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Social assistance

The social assistance constitutes an institution of the state social policy aimed at supporting persons and families in overcoming difficult life situations with which they are not able to cope by using own possibilities and rights.

The social assistance supports persons and families in efforts aimed at satisfying their basic needs and enables them to live in decent conditions. It also allows preventing difficult life situations supporting them in becoming independent, as well as in integration in the environment.

The social assistance supports persons and families financially, materially and in a form of services. The social assistance system financially supports persons and families with low incomes and those deprived of income. 

The Ministry establishes the social assistance policy. It stipulates the directions of measures, prepares solutions, develops standards and monitors implementation thereof. 

The Ministry develops governmental and departmental support programmes for persons and families at the risk of social exclusion and programmes of active support forms for selected categories of persons from groups of special risk, including, in particular persons experiencing poverty. It develops and improves standards of services provided in social assistance organisational units, in social employment entities and environment services standards, as well as monitors the process of implementation thereof.

Information on the publication of the document
Last updated on:
15.01.2020 12:46 administrator
First published on:
29.07.2019 15:16 Biuro Promocji