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Starting from 9 June, the Large Family Card will be available in the mObywatel app


A significant change in the Large Family Card is coming in great strides. Starting from 9 June, the Large Family Card will be available in the mObywatel (mCitizen) app. – This will make the Large Family Card even more modern and will also significantly reduce bureaucracy. This is good news for families – says Marlena Maląg, Minister of Family and Social Policy.

KRD w aplikacji mObywatel

Starting from 9 June, each holder of the Large Family Card - regardless of the form they have had it so far, traditional, electronic or both - will be able to use it through the mObywatel app.

– Persons who have only traditional Cards will not have to apply for an electronic form and pay for it. This will make the Large Family Card even more modern and will also significantly reduce bureaucracy. This is very good news for families – says Marlena Maląg, Minister of Family and Social Policy.

The mObywatel app will also include a link to the website where there is a map with the KDR (Large Family Card) partners and discount information.

What is the mObywatel app?

The mObywatel app is a digital document and service wallet. With the app, we can, inter alia:

  • safely download and present our data,
  • fill e-Prescriptions without providing a PESEL number,
  • keep a confirmation of being vaccinated against COVID-19,
  • use school or university mLegitymacja (mID).

It is available to persons with mTożsamość (mIdentity) (PESEL number and identity card) or school mLegitymacja. Some foreigners who currently have a KDR and children will not be able to use the Card within the mObywatel app. Foreigners who have applied for an electronic form of KDR will receive a traditional card ex officio. The village mayor/mayor of the city has officially granted the card free of charge to foreigners within 7 days of the day following the publication of the amendment (by 1 June).

Persons who will not have access to the mObywatel app will have to remain with the traditional Cards.

Who can receive the Large Family Card?

The Large Family Card is a system of discounts for large families where parents maintain or maintained at least three children in total. Parents receive the Card regardless of whether or not their children are still dependent on them. Even if all children are already adults and live on their own, parents can receive the Card.

The right to the Card is also granted to foster parents and persons managing family children’s homes – they receive the Large Family Card on the same terms as parents.

The right to the Large Family Card is also granted to the spouse of the parent.

Children (including children in foster families or family children’s homes) also receive the Large Family Card – when certain conditions are met. These children must be below 18 or below 25 years if they are school or university students. Age limits do not apply to children who have a moderate or significant disability certificate.

Another – very important – condition is that at least three children in the family meet the above-mentioned criteria at the time of submitting the application. If only one or two children in the family meet these conditions, only parents will receive the Large Family Card.

The right to the Card is granted only to persons living in Poland. The Card may be granted not only to persons with Polish nationality but also to nationals of the Member States of the European Union, of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) and members of their families, as well as to foreigners who have the right of permanent residence in Poland, have the refugee status and also to some foreigners who have a right of temporary residence (here depending on the legal basis of this permit).

An application for the Large Family Card may be submitted by any adult member of the family – the parent, the parent’s spouse, the adult child.

Discounts and partners i.e. benefits of the Large Family Card

Thanks to the Card, persons from large families can enjoy, inter alia, statutory discounts:

  • on railway trips – parents or parents’ spouses – 37% for single tickets and 49% for monthly tickets;
  • on passport fees – 75% for children and 50% for parents and parents’ spouses;
  • free access to national parks;

This is also a wide range of Partners of the Large Family Card from various industries – from children’s shops through clothes and footwear shops, bookshops, hypermarkets, electronics shops, jewellery shops, recreation centres, cinemas, swimming pools, entertainment centres… and many, many more.

Today, throughout the country, the discounts are offered by 8.5 thousand partners in 28.7 thousand locations. They are used by more than 1 million 77 thousand families and the number of active cards exceeded 3.4 million.