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Termination of the contract of employment without notice

It is called termination with immediate effect. With regard to termination for reasons attributable to the employee's fault, it is commonly referred to as disciplinary dismissal. It is a declaration of intent by one of the parties to the employment relationship aimed at terminating the relationship immediately, that is when it reaches the addressee in such a way that they can become acquainted with it.

Such a termination on the part of both the employee and the employer should be made in writing. The letter should indicate the cause for the termination. The employer should also include in it a letter of rights regarding appealing against such a termination to the labour court.

Termination of a contract of employment without notice is possible only in the circumstances referred to in the provisions of the labour law. These are the reasons for the termination of the contract of employment without notice.

Translated with the support of the European Labour Authority
