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The “Active Parent” programme is getting closer. The Senate adopted the Law without amendments


The Law on Supporting Parents in Active Work and Childrearing (i.e. the Active Parent programme) was passed by the Senate on Thursday, May 23rd. The final step on the legislative path is the signature of the President of the Republic of Poland.

The “Active Parent” programme is getting closer. The Senate adopted the Law without amendments

The senators passed the Law without amendments. Active Parent programme introduces three new benefits for families with children under three:

  • subsidising the care of a nanny, grandparent, neighbour, etc. (PLN 1,500 if the parent becomes economically active, PLN 1,900 if the child has a disability)
  • subsidising of the child's stay in a nursery (PLN 1,500, but no more than the fee for the child's stay in the facility)
  • subsidising of parental care at home (PLN 500, starting from the first child - and not only from the second child as was previously the case under the Family Care Capital programme).

The choice of the form of benefit will be up to a parent, and it will also be possible to change the decision multiple times during the course of the programme - i.e. resignation from one form of support and choosing another one. However, it is important to note that only one benefit can be paid for the same child for a given month.

According to the law, parents will be able to take advantage of the new solutions from October 1, 2024. The benefit will be paid by the Social Insurance Institution.
