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The call for applications under the “It's worth being a Social Enterprise!” programme for the 2023-2025 period has been launched. Edition 2024.


The call for applications under the “It's worth being a Social Enterprise!” programme for the 2023-2025 period has been launched. Edition 2024.

The application(s), together with the declarations, must be submitted between 27 June 2024 and 17 July 2024 at 12:00 via the Generator available at:


In connection with the call for applications, the Department of Social Economy at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy has also set up a hotline, open from Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on the following telephone number: Contact e-mail address:

The implementation of the Support Instruments under the Programme is financed from the resources of the Labour Fund and the Solidarity Fund.

“It's worth being a Social Enterprise!” programme for the 2023-2025 period

The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy has been supporting the development of social economy and social entrepreneurship for many years, offering, among other things, favourable regulatory conditions for the social economy sector.

Following the entry into force of the Act of 5 August 2022 on social economy, new opportunities for the implementation of financial support for social economy entities, including social enterprises, have emerged. This support shall be implemented under the ministerial programmes referred to in Article 31 of the aforementioned law.

Social enterprises play a particularly important role in the group of social economy entities. They operate in the field of social and professional reintegration, employ individuals vulnerable to social exclusion and provide social services.

Under the “It's worth being a Social Enterprise!” ministerial programme for the 2023-2025 period, the said entities will be able to obtain financial support to facilitate job creation, social and professional reintegration of individuals vulnerable to social exclusion, and to strengthen their capacity to provide social services.

About the Programme

The programme entitled “It's worth being a Social Enterprise!” for the 2023-2025 period is a programme of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy that enables the deployment of financial support for the development of social entrepreneurship.

Aim of the support

Entities eligible will be able to apply for support under any of the following instruments:

  • Instrument 1 – Employment support

Under this instrument, it will be possible to subsidy wages of the employees of social enterprises.

  • Instrument 2 - Support for social enterprises in the delivery of social services.

Under this instrument, it will be possible to obtain funds to cover expenses related to the implementation of social services by an eligible entity, such as the expenses related to upskilling, developing competences of the employees of social enterprises in the field of social services.

  • Instrument 3 – Ongoing support.

Funds under this programme will be available to cover the necessary fixed administrative costs. Ongoing support can only be applied for in connection with support under Instruments 1 and/or 2.

  • Instrument 4 – Reintegration support

Under this instrument, it will be possible to obtain financing to cover the costs of social and professional reintegration of workers at risk of social exclusion.


Support under the programme may be applied for by entities which, as at the date of the submission of the application, have the status of a social enterprise, namely social economy entity, which have obtained a decision from the governor granting social enterprise status in connection with compliance with statutory requirements and are on the list referred to in Article 19 of the Act on social economy, available at:


The programme is financed from the resources of the Labour Fund (Employment Support, Support in the delivery of social services and Ongoing Support) and the Solidarity Fund (Reintegration Support).

The Minister of the Family, Labour and Social Policy shall have a total of PLN 22 million in 2024 to provide financial support to entities eligible to submit applications under the Programme (PLN 20 million from the Labour Fund and PLN 2 million from the Solidarity Fund).

Call for applications  

The call for application and the provision of assistance to successful applicants is scheduled for 2024. Applications should only be submitted via the generator at:

Detailed information on the call for proposals is available at: 
