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The Sejm has adopted laws on allowances for social welfare workers, foster care workers, crèche carers and foster families


'These are allowances (additional payments) that will allow people to live with dignity and make them feel that their difficult work is respected in Poland', says Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy.

The Sejm has adopted laws on allowances for social welfare workers, foster care workers, crèche carers and foster families

Introducing programmes that will allow for the payment of PLN 1,000 gross allowances to employees of social assistance, foster care and institutions for the care of the youngest children from 1 July this year - this is the aim of the regulations adopted by the Sejm on Friday, and prepared by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.

For five weeks in a row, draft laws prepared by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy were presented at the Council of Ministers. Two of them have just today been approved by the Sejm, and when they will be approved by the Senate and signed by the President, will become law', points out the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy, Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk.

From the beginning of her work on the law, the head of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy has stressed that social workers perform a difficult, knowledge-intensive and competent job on a daily basis with full dedication and must be adequately remunerated for this.

Decent pay and a dignified life

These are laws that are close to the people: these are allowances, in the amount of PLN 1,000, for social welfare workers, for social workers, for crèche workers. They will allow them to live with dignity and give them the conviction that their difficult work is respected in Poland', emphasises Minister Dziemianowicz-Bąk.

As she points out, the second act adopted by the Sejm today is a solution supporting family foster care, family children's homes and professional foster families with an allowance of PLN 1,000.

This is because sometimes someone is born in a family, and sometimes this family has to appear at a certain stage of a child's life. And when it does appear, and when it surrounds the child with care and concern, it should be supported,' the Minister points out.

Wage allowances from 1 July this year.

The regulations adopted by the Sejm are intended to enable the introduction of government programmes that will allow the payment, as of 1 July 2024, of an allowance of PLN 1,000 gross to workers employed under a contract of employment in organisational units of social assistance (social assistance centres, district family assistance centres, social services centres, social welfare homes, specialist counselling centres, including family counselling centres, crisis intervention centres, support centres, including support centres for people with mental disorders, day care homes, homes for mothers with minor children and pregnant women, shelters for the homeless, shelters for the homeless with care services, self-help clubs), foster care and family support system (family assistants, foster care coordinators, employees of foster care centres, persons employed to assist professional foster families and family-type children's homes based on an employment contract, employees of regional foster care and therapy centres, intervention pre-adoption centres, employees of day-care centres), childcare institutions for children up to the age of 3, which are run by local governments (nurseries, children's clubs, day carers), persons who act as professional foster families and run family-type children's homes.
