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The Statistics Poland confirmed our estimates. Unemployment in April 2024 is the lowest in 30 years


The Statistics Poland has confirmed the estimates of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, which show that in April this year the registered unemployment rate was 5.1 per cent. - 0.2 percentage points lower than in March this year and in April 2023, which is the best result since 1990.

The Statistics Poland confirmed our estimates. Unemployment in April 2024 is the lowest in 30 years

As we reported at the beginning of May, the registered unemployment rate in Poland in April 2024 - as estimated - was 5.1 per cent. Counting since 1991, there has never been a lower number of unemployed people or a lower registered unemployment rate in April. Today, the Statistics Poland confirmed the forecasts of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.

The unemployment rate at the end of April this year amounted to 5.1 per cent, that is, decreased by 0.2 percentage point in comparison to the previous month. Compared to April 2023, the decrease was also 0.2 percentage point.

At the end of April 2024, 797.1 thousand unemployed people were registered with the labour offices, that is 24.9 thousand (3 per cent) less than a year ago. In contrast, the number of unemployed people fell by 25.1 thousand in comparison to the previous month (3.1 per cent).

More people are benefiting from job activation

In April this year, 96.9 thousand people registered as unemployed in labour offices (a year-to-year increase of 10.4 per cent). However, 122 thousand deregistered during the same period. (a year-to-year increase of 8.2 per cent), and 64.3 thousand unemployed took up work (a year-to-year increase of 6.2 per cent).

It is noteworthy that, compared to April 2023, the number of unemployed people who started participating in active forms of counteracting unemployment increased by 24.2 per cent - to 29.8 thousand. On the other hand, the number of job offers reported in the offices increased by 10.8 per cent over the same period - to 90.1 thousand.

Poland together with the Czech Republic with the lowest unemployment rate in the EU

The good condition of the Polish labour market is also confirmed by Eurostat. According to Eurostat, the unemployment rate in Poland in March 2024 was 2.9 per cent, placing Poland - together with the Czech Republic - on the first place among the EU countries with the lowest level of unemployment. In comparison, the EU average was 6 per cent and the Eurozone average was 6.5 per cent.
