Unemployment at the end of 2024. MFLSP estimates confirmed
The Statistics Poland confirmed the forecasts of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy - unemployment in Poland at the end of December 2024 was 5.1 per cent. There were 786,200 people unemployed at the end of last year.
At the end of 2024, the registered unemployment rate according to the SP was 5.1 per cent, by 0.1 percentage points higher than in November last year.
This confirmed the estimates of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy based on preliminary data from Labour Offices, which we published at the beginning of January this year.
The number of unemployed people registered with Labour Offices was 786,200 in December. - the month before, it was 774,500 In contrast, the number of new registrations was 94,400. (In November 2024, the figure was 100,700).
Poland at the forefront of the EU
The fact that the situation on the labour market in Poland is stable is also indicated by Eurostat data. In November 2024, we once again ranked among the top countries in the European Union with the lowest unemployment rate with a result of 3 per cent.
We thus ranked - ex aequo with Malta - as the second lowest unemployment rate in the EU, behind the Czech Republic (2.8 per cent). In November 2024, the average in the EU countries was 5.9 per cent and in the euro area, 6.3 per cent.