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We have started negotiations with Albania on a social security agreement


On 22 April this year, the formal opening of negotiations for a draft agreement between Poland and Albania on social security took place. The meeting was opened by Sebastian Gajewski, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, and Mimoza Halimi, Ambassador of Albania to Warsaw.

We have started negotiations with Albania on a social security agreement

From the Polish side, employees of the Ministry, the Social Insurance Institution and the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego) are participating in the negotiations. Albania is represented by officials from the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Social Security Institute.

The aim of the negotiations is to prepare legal solutions that will enable migrants with periods of insurance in Poland and Albania to acquire the right to social security benefits.

The entry into force of the agreement for insured persons will mean:

• the possibility to take into account periods of insurance spent in Albania, in order to establish the right to Polish benefits (and vice versa),

• the transfer of benefits to the recipient's place of residence on the territory of the other contracting party.

Both parties have expressed their interest to conduct the contract negotiations smoothly, conclude them quickly and bring the agreement into force so that those concerned can benefit from its provisions as soon as possible.
