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Department for Supervision of the Controls



Director: Beata Oleśkiewicz
Deputy Director: Przemysław Krawczyk
Deputy Director: Rafał Mazur
Deputy Director: Marzena Machowska-Kubik


phone: +48 (22) 694 38 30
fax: +48 (22) 694 35 67

Department for Supervision of the Controls is responsible for the realization of tasks related to the supervision of customs-tax controls, checking activities, audit activities and official checking carried out by National Revenue Administration’s bodies,  excluding the supervision performed by other departments and also is responsible for the execution of the supervision of tax controls.
Department for Supervising Controls is also handling cases related to counteracting the use of activities of banks and cooperative savings and credit unions for purposes related to tax frauds. The tasks of the department also include supervision over the activities of National Revenue Administration’s bodies related to the granting of permits and approval of gambling games regulations, as well as maintenance of the Domain Registry for Gambling Games Incompatible with the Gambling Games Act.

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Information on the publication of the document
First published on:
29.01.2019 12:46 Piotr Król
Written by:
Piotr Król
Title Version Edition / publication data
Department for Supervision of the Controls 16.0 26.02.2025 13:43 Piotr Król
Department for Supervision of the Controls 15.0 26.02.2025 06:53 Piotr Król
Department for Supervision of the Controls 14.0 05.01.2024 14:21 Piotr Król
Department for Supervision of the Controls 13.0 05.01.2024 07:49 Piotr Król
Department for Supervision of the Controls 12.0 10.02.2023 12:46 Piotr Król
Department for Supervision of the Controls 11.0 25.01.2023 15:19 Arkadiusz Wieczorek
Department for Supervising Controls 10.0 23.09.2020 07:31 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 9.0 16.09.2020 10:04 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 8.0 02.07.2020 12:59 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 7.0 01.07.2020 15:21 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 6.0 12.05.2020 16:09 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 5.0 05.03.2020 11:48 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 4.0 03.03.2020 13:08 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 3.0 26.02.2020 11:36 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 2.0 12.11.2019 07:26 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 1.4 27.06.2019 08:23 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 1.3 27.06.2019 08:14 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 1.2 07.06.2019 07:35 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 1.1 10.05.2019 08:24 Piotr Król
Department for Supervising Controls 1.0 29.01.2019 12:46 Piotr Król

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