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Economic Policy Support Department



Director: Artur Kawaler

Deputy Director: Andrzej Ciopiński

Deputy Director: Jacek Partyka 

Deputy Director: Jacek Jóźwik

The main task of the department is to prepare impact assessments of regulations, strategies and various policy measures on public finance, taxation and financial sector regulations. It also analyzes potential long-term effects of policies on the Polish economy. In particular, it relates to following areas: 

- housing and spatial planning,

- maritime economy,

- fisheries, agriculture, rural development (including the Common Agricultural Policy),

- regional policy,

- the State Treasury,

- environment,

- climate and energy,

- water management,

- transport.

The Department is also responsible for tasks related to the management of Reprivatization Fund.


phone: +48 (22) 694 47 20
fax: +48 (22) 694 56 08

Public Information Bulletin Logo
Information on the publication of the document
First published on:
18.02.2019 13:59 Anna Madziar
Written by:
Anna Madziar
Title Version Edition / publication data
Economic Policy Support Department 5.0 21.04.2023 11:09 Monika Dragańczuk
Economic Policy Support Department 4.0 18.11.2021 15:13 Monika Dragańczuk
Economic Policy Support Department 3.0 18.11.2021 15:10 Monika Dragańczuk
Economic Policy Support Department 2.0 16.09.2020 09:47 Monika Dragańczuk
Economic Policy Support Department 1.0 18.02.2019 13:59 Anna Madziar

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