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No 16-2012, D. Korniluk: Optimization of the expenditure rule’s parameters values by the genetic algorithm


Fiscal rules are one of the tools aimed at preventing excessive public debt accumulation. Several government documents announce the forthcoming introduction of the permanent fiscal rule for Poland, whose aim is to ensure that the general government balance over medium term equals the medium term objective (-1% of GDP). In the following article we take an innovative approach to optimizing the parameters of the universal expenditure rule by a genetic algorithm.



MF Working Papers No 16-2012
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Information on the publication of the document
First published on:
20.02.2019 14:08 Paulina Gronek
Written by:
Macroeconomic Policy Department
Title Version Edition / publication data
No 16-2012, D. Korniluk: Optimization of the expenditure rule’s parameters values by the genetic algorithm 1.0 20.02.2019 14:08 Paulina Gronek

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