Funds for local development
- A total of EUR 76 billion will be invested in the new EU financial perspective. The funds will be used, among others, for projects in innovation, entrepreneurship, digitisation, municipal infrastructure, environmental protection, energy, education, accessibility and social affairs, said the Deputy Minister, Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak at the meeting with local government officials and entrepreneurs from the Łańcut district.
Poland is the largest beneficiary of the Cohesion Policy in the European Union. Local government units (LGU) and entrepreneurs will remain the main investors of these funds, emphasised the Deputy Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak.
European funds for local government units
The LGUs will be able to use EU funds to co-finance projects in a number of areas, including transport infrastructure (provincial roads, local roads), social infrastructure (education, health care) and water, sewage and waste infrastructure. Local authorities will also be able to implement projects in the fields of the labour market, IT, RES or tourism.
Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak explained that the EU Financial Perspective 2021-2027 will continue to use territorial instruments known from previous years, such as Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) and Community Driven Local Development (CLD). Other Territorial Instruments (OTI) are new. The main objective of the IIT's operation is to support local authorities in administrative capacity building and cooperation with social and economic partners and NGOs.
As the deputy minister of the MFiPR indicated, a grant will be the basic form of support for LGUs in the new financial perspective. It is a non-repayable form applicable to projects that do not generate income. However, the importance of repayable assistance, including loans, guarantees and sureties, will increase. It will cover the areas of innovation, energy and selected types of environmental and transport projects.
The importance of public-private partnerships will also increase. The preparation of selected PPP projects is supported by the government through the provision of comprehensive legal, financial and technical advice.
Instruments to support entrepreneurship
The deputy minister indicated that in the EU budget for 2021-2027, support for innovation and the development of the competitiveness of the Polish enterprise sector will be provided through three national programmes: European Funds for a Modern Economy, European Funds for Eastern Poland and European Funds for Digital Development, as well as in regional programmes.
Polish business can receive EU funding primarily for research and development activities, the expansion of R&D infrastructure as well as cooperation with science, including the strengthening of competence.