Offices and Departments
Administrative Office
The Administrative Office is responsible for:
- carrying out administrative and logistic measures for efficient functioning of the Ministry;
- management of the Ministry’s property;
- managing the central registry and the Ministry’s archives;
- ensuring security on the properties which remain under the permanent management of the Ministry, in particular fire protection and the protection of persons and property.
The structure of the Administrative Office includes a dedicated Occupational Health and Safety organisational unit, which carries out the tasks related to the occupational health and safety service.
Director: Cezary Góralczyk
Deputy Director: Klaudia Kuruś-Staszewska
- phone: +48 22 273 70 85
- e-mail:
The Minister’s Office
The Minister’s Office is responsible for:
- ensuring organisational support to the Minister and other members of the Ministry’s management, including supportive tasks relate to the participation of members of the Ministry’s management in the meetings of the Council of Ministers and the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers;
- coordinating the cooperation with the Sejm and the Senate, including responses to parliamentary questions and enquiries, statements by senators and MEPs;
- carrying out tasks related to the preparation of proposals and monitoring of the implementation of the list of legislative and programme works of the Council of Ministers, the list of legislative works of the Prime Minister and the list of legislative works of the Minister;
- coordinating the participation of the Minister’s representatives in inter-ministerial teams and commissions, committees, councils appointed by external entities, as well as coordinating the cases of teams, councils, commissions, working groups appointed by the Minister;
- issuing responses in cooperation with the other organisational units to requests submitted to the Ministry under the Act of 6 September 2001 on Access to Public Information and the Act of 25 February 2016 on the Re-use of Public Sector Information;
- implementation coordination of the preparation of overseas business journeys of the members of the Ministry’s management and official visits of foreign guests at the level of the Ministry’s management;
- carrying out the obligations set out in the Act of 7 July 2005 on lobbying activities in process of law-making;
- coordinating tasks related to the management of organisational supervision over units in cooperation with the organisational units responsible for the cases related to substantive supervision and other relevant organisational units;
- identifying the appropriate organisational units within the process of agreeing on draft normative acts and government documents submitted to the Minister by the members of the Council of Ministers, including the designation of a leading organisational unit responsible for the preparation of the Minister’s collective position in this regard;
- conducting administrative cases regarding the state decorations and badges of honour;
- coordinating matters related to awarding patronage over the organised events and participation in honorary committees;
- providing services to the European Ombudsman in the scope of processing requests and formulating proposals for improvements for the relevant institution in the EU funds implementation system;
Director: Dorota Rosińska
Deputy Director: Mirosława Zderska
- phone: +48 22 273 71 00
- e-mail:
Office of the Director General
The Office of the Director General is responsible for:
- the implementation of tasks regarding the organisation of the Ministry;
- providing legal services to the Ministry, in cases governed by the jurisdiction of the General Director under specific legislation;
- carrying out the tasks of a third-level budget administrator;
- providing financial and accounting services for the funds in the account created for the disbursement of technical assistance from the post-Brexit adjustment reserve, and in the separate income account intended for expenditure related to the implementation of investments and undertakings covered by support from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan;
- supervision over the correctness of the process and coordinating the process of awarding public procurement contracts by the Ministry;
- organising the management control process in the Ministry, excluding the tasks carried out by the relevant organisational units.
Director: Tomasz Konieczny
Deputy Director: Bogusława Toma
- phone: +48 22 273 71 50
- e-mail:
Service Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Polish-Ukrainian Development Cooperation
The office is responsible for matters specified in the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of May 12, 2023 on the establishment of the Government Plenipotentiary for Polish-Ukrainian development cooperation (Journal of Laws 2023, item 911), and in particular for:
- coordination of tasks related to the Plenipotentiary's support of cooperation between government administration bodies, executive agencies, associations, chambers of commerce and other national entities involved in Polish-Ukrainian development cooperation, particularly in the area of reconstruction of Ukraine;
- coordination of the Plenipotentiary's activities carried out for cooperation between domestic entrepreneurs and other domestic entities involved in the above-mentioned cooperation and foreign entities;
- implementation of the Plenipotentiary's tasks related to the preparation of a draft financing mechanism for domestic entrepreneurs and other domestic entities involved in the mentioned-above cooperation ;
- developing and servicing the Plenipotentiary's information campaigns spreading knowledge about the instruments and mechanisms intended for domestic entrepreneurs and other domestic entities involved in the above-mentioned cooperation, including strengthening the Polish business presence in Ukraine.
Director: Marcin Chruściel
- phone: +48 22 273 77 90
- e-mail:
Office of Security Policy
The Office of Security Policy shall be responsible for:
- implementation of matters related to crisis management, defence, state security, civil defence within the jurisdiction of the government administration – regional development;
- coordination of administrative cases related to information security, risk management, protection of classified information in the Ministry, including rendering services for the Plenipotentiary for the protection of classified information;
- coordination of the matters related to the protection of personal data in the Ministry, within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Policy;
- the performance of the tasks related to providing services to the Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy for the support by the host state (HNS), referred to in Article 23f of the Act of 23 September 1999 on the principles of stay of foreign troops on the territory of the Republic of Poland, the principles of their movement through this territory and the principles of providing assistance to allied troops and international organisations.
The structure of the Security of Security Policy contains a Secret Registry.
Director: Sławomir Górski
- phone: +48 22 273 85 40
- e-mail:
Human Resources Management Office
The Office of Human Resources Management is responsible for:
- carrying out the tasks of the Director General and the Minister in the area of labour law and Employee Capital Plans, as well as the implementation of personnel policy with regard to persons employed in the Ministry and seconded diplomats employed in the Section of Regional Policy and Cohesion at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union in Brussels;
- organising student internships, graduate traineeships and volunteering;
- performing tasks related to the establishment and termination of the employment of heads of unit, within the scope of specific provisions.
Director: Małgorzata Maludzińska
Deputy Director: Marta Potęga
- phone: +48 22 273 73 00
- e-mail:
Department of Budget
The Department of Budget is responsible for:
- to carry out the tasks of the administrator of budget section 34 – Regional Development, including budget planning and implementation, financial and accounting services and the preparation of budgetary and financial reports;
- carrying out the Minister’s affairs with regard to the budgetary financing of programmes implemented under the funds from the EU budget and non-reimbursable assistance from EFTA Member States and NRR;
- managing the special purpose funds for which the Minister is responsible;
- handling financial and accounting matters on the accounts of ETC programmes, the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013 (ENPI), the European Neighbourhood Instrument 2014-2020 (ENI), Interreg programmes 2021-2027, the post-Brexit adjustment reserve and accounting records of expenditure certified under programmes with funds under the EU budget and non-reimbursable aid from EFTA Member States.
Director: Marek Kalupa
Deputy Director: Jadwiga Romaszko
Deputy Director: Agnieszka Zielińska
Deputy Director: Marcin Sobczyński
- phone: +48 22 273 73 50
- e-mail:
Department of the European Social Fund
The Department of the European Social Fund is responsible for:
- coordinating and supporting the implementation of the European Social Fund and the European Social Fund Plus;
- implementing tasks related to servicing the minister acting as the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Human Capital 2007-2013, the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 (OP KED) and the implementation of tasks related to the preparation of the Programme European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027;
- carrying out tasks related to providing services to the Minister acting as the Managing Authority of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund;
- performing tasks resulting from the direct implementation of Axis IV of OP KED in the area of transnational mobility and social innovation and Measure 2.19 in the area of improving investment and construction processes and spatial planning;
- implementation of tasks resulting from the implementation of the Act of 19 July 2019 on ensuring accessibility for persons with special needs (Journal of Laws, item 1696), hereinafter referred to as the “Act,” including:
a) coordination of providing accessibility to persons with special needs under Articles 8-10 of the Act,
b) performing tasks related to the Accessibility Fund,
c) coordinating the implementation of the government’s Accessibility Plus programme;
- the execution of tasks related to the coordination of the NRP implementation within the scope of Component A: Resilience and Competitiveness of the Economy (Education and Labour Market) ) and Component G: REPowerEU for the reform related to Skills for Green Transformation;
Director: Piotr Krasuski
Deputy Director: Anna Mickiewicz
Deputy Director: Aleksandra Dmitruk
Deputy Director: Małgorzata Mika
Deputy Director: Dominika Tadla
Deputy Director: Przemysław Herman
- phone: +48 22 273 80 50
- e-mail:
Department of Communication and Promotion of European Funds
The Department of Communication and Promotion of European Funds is responsible for:
carrying out tasks related to servicing the Minister acting as the Institution for Coordination of the UP implementation in the area of information and promotion, including managing the information architecture of websites dedicated to FE and maintaining profiles in social media
conducting matters arising from the coordination and supervision of the Network of FE Information Points and conducting matters of substantive supervision over the activities of the Center for European Projects subordinated to the Minister in the scope of tasks performed for the Network of FE Information Points
carrying out tasks related to the development and implementation of a promotion and information strategy in connection with the implementation of the KPO, including maintaining a dedicated KPO website
implementation of tasks in the field of the Regional Development Fund.
Director: Katarzyna Szarkowska
Deputy Director: Agnieszka Jąkalska
Deputy Director: Piotr Miller
- phone: +48 22 273 74 00
- e-mail:
IT Department
The IT Department is responsible for:
- carrying out tasks related to the construction, development, maintenance and security of ICT systems and telephone communications in the Ministry;
- providing an ICT platform for the CST supporting the implementation of operational programmes and the CST2021 supporting the implementation of EF programmes, the NRR and the post-Brexit adjustment reserve;
- the coordination of the Ministry’s tasks as an entity of the national cyber-security system.
Director: Dorota Gawot
Deputy Director: Janusz Tomasik
- phone: +48 22 273 72 00
- e-mail:
Department of Control
The Department of Control is responsible for:
implementation of tasks related to internal control in the Ministry, control of organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the Minister and control carried out on the basis of specific provisions;
coordination of the organization of external audits carried out in the Ministry by audit bodies;
coordination of tasks related to receiving and considering reports of violations of law, excluding those related to KPO;
coordinating the consideration of complaints, motions and petitions;
support for risk management in the Ministry;
implementation of tasks in the field of ethics, anti-mobbing, equal treatment and counteracting corruption;
conducting matters arising from the Minister's fulfillment of the tasks of the competent minister within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of April 6, 1984 on foundations.
The structure of the Control Department includes a functionally independent and separate internal audit unit - carrying out internal audit tasks in order to support the Minister in achieving goals and tasks and providing organizational support for the audit committee.
Director: Alicja Dominiak
- phone: +48 22 273 88 12
- fax 22 273 89 59
- e-mail:
Department for Coordination of National Recovery Plan
The National Recovery Plan (NRP) Coordination Department is responsible for:
- the execution of tasks related to the coordination of the NRP implementation, and in this respect performs the tasks related to serving the Minister responsible for coordinating the implementation of the NRP;
- conducting a dialogue with the EC on changes to the NRP, operational arrangements, the financing and loan agreement, monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the NRP and applying for payments;
- monitoring the implementation of reforms and investments under the NRP and making recommendations on the achievement of milestones and indicators as part of the individual reforms and investments; applying to the PFR and to the Minister responsible for public finance for the withholding of payments to the institutions responsible for the implementation of investments in the event of non-implementation or incomplete implementation of recommendations;
- coordinating tasks relating to the conclusion or amendments of reform and investment implementation agreements with institutions responsible for their implementation;
- monitoring liquidity in the NRP;
- setting disbursement limits for funds from the loan under the Recovery and Resilience Facility paid to the institutions responsible for investment;
- the execution of tasks related to the implementation of the NRP reform concerning the improvement of conditions for implementing the NRP with regard to the guidelines on the partnership principle.
Director: Monika Dołowiec
Deputy Director: Mateusz Gaczyński
- phone: +48 22 273 85 50
- e-mail:
Department for Coordination of EU Funds Implementation
The Department of Coordination of the EU Funds Implementation is responsible for:
- performing tasks related to the coordination of the implementation of cohesion policy funds in Poland, and in this respect performs tasks related to providing services to the Minister acting as the NSRF Coordination Unit and the PA Coordination Authority;
- coordinating works related to defining the business assumptions, drafting requirements and their verification in the acceptance testing process, coordinating implementation and administration at the application level of the KSI SIMIK 07-13 and CST IT systems supporting the implementation of operational programmes and CST2021 supporting the implementation of EF programmes, NRR and the post-Brexit adjustment reserve;
- sharing personal data with other entities within the collection entitled “Central ICT system supporting the implementation of operational programmes”;
- providing support for the work of the Interministerial Team on EU Funds;
- coordination of the participation of Polish representatives in the Coordination Committee for the European Structural and Investment Funds at the EC;
- coordinating the works related to state aid issues within the Ministry;
- participating in the coordination the implementation of NRR.
- the execution of tasks related to the implementation of the NRP reform concerning the improvement of conditions for the NRP implementation within the scope of the CST2021 audit supporting the NRP implementation and within the scope of the analysis of the workload and efficiency of the use of FTEs in the institutions implementing the NRP.
Director: Radosław Antoszek
Deputy Director: Katarzyna Kromke-Korbel
Deputy Director: Grzegorz Żmuda
Deputy Director: Daniel Kotkowski
- phone: +48 22 273 79 04
- e-mail:
Department of Public-Private Partnership
The Department of Public-Private Partnerships is responsible for:
- coordinating the implementation of systemic measures resulting from the Government’s Policy on the development of public-private partnerships;
- providing support for infrastructural projects for implementation through: repayable and non-repayable EU funds, public-private partnerships as well as other sources of funding;
- the implementation of tasks for PA in scope of investment projects, including hybrid projects;
- monitoring of the implementation of the InvestEU Programme in Poland in terms of the InvestEU Fund and cooperation with the InvestEU Advisory Centre and the InvestEU Portal;
- carrying out tasks related to the implementation of the NRR in the scope of reforms and investments for the comprehensive green transformation of cities;
- conducting matters related to substantive supervision of the National Real Estate Stock supervised by the Minister.
Director: Robert Dzierzgwa
Deputy director: Michał Piwowarczyk
- phone: +48 22 273 79 50
- e-mail:
Legal Affairs Department
The Legal Department is responsible for:
- providing legal services to the Minister;
- performing legal representation before administrative and common courts, the Supreme Court of Poland and tribunals, including taking action in civil enforcement proceedings, and representing the Minister before public administration bodies, law enforcement bodies and enforcement bodies, with the exception of cases conducted by organisational units on the basis of relevant internal normative acts of the Ministry;
- coordinating or assisting the legislative process, including the legal, legislative and editorial preparation of draft assumptions for acts, draft laws and participation in the preparation and drafting of normative acts initiated by the relevant organisational units;
- preparing, by its own initiative or at the request of an organisational unit, explanations regarding the legal issues of a systemic nature or of significant importance for the performance of tasks falling within the competence of the Minister, including acting as the Managing Authority of an operational programme or programme and responsible for coordinating the implementation of NRP;
- obtaining, by own initiative or at the request of an organisational unit, the opinion of an external body regarding the interpretation of the applicable legislation;
- preparing and monitoring systemic solutions regarding the appeals procedure in the process of disbursement of European funds;
- providing opinions on draft normative acts and other government documents in cases where it is not possible to link the subject matter of a given draft with the scope of tasks of any organisational unit, and preparing a draft position of the Minister;
- providing formal and legal opinions on draft administrative decisions at the request of the competent organisational unit if such opinions are required due to the complex legal situation of the case where the opinion is to be issued.
Director: Piotr Zychla
- phone: +48 22 273 75 51
- e-mail:
Departament of Assistance Programmes
The Department of Assistance Programmes is responsible for:
- providing services to the Minister acting as the National Focal Point and Programme Operator for the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and 2014-2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and 2014-2021, as well as for carrying out tasks related to servicing the Minister acting as the National Coordinating Institution of the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme;
2. carrying out tasks related to providing services to the Minister acting as the Managing Authority of the Technical Assistance Operational Programme 2014-2020 (TAOP 2014-2020) and carrying out tasks related to the preparation of the Technical Assistance Programme for European Funds 2021-2027;
2a. the execution of tasks related to NRP implementation with regard to the investment concerning Support for institutions implementing REPowerEU reforms and investments as part of Component G: REPowerEU;
3. initiating and implementing bilateral cooperation projects under the “Polish Development Assistance” programme and other sources;
4. carrying out substantive supervision over the Institute of Urban and Regional Development supervised by the Minister.
Director: Maciej Aulak
Deputy Director: Małgorzata Zalewska
Deputy Director: Magdalena Iwaniecka-Łabędź
Deputy Director: Magdalena Lepianka
- phone: +48 22 273 78 00
- e-mail:
Department of Supra-Regional Programmes
The tasks of the Department:
- implementation of tasks related to servicing the Minister acting as the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland 2007-2013, the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020 (OP EP) and implementation of tasks related to the preparation of the European Funds for Eastern Poland 2021-2027 Programme;
- preparing and implementation of instruments for inter-regional public intervention, in particular for Eastern Poland;
- providing services to the Minister overseeing the implementation of the Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland – Tourism loan instrument.
Director: Małgorzata Wierzbicka
Deputy Director: Agneta Bukowska
Deputy Director: Magdalena Jasińska
- phone. +48 22 273 82 01
- e-mail:
Department of Regional Programmes
The Department of Regional Programmes is responsible for:
- servicing the Minister acting as the PA Coordination Institution regarding 16 regional operational programmes and the 16 regional programmes, including the coordination of the negotiations of these programmes;
- coordinating and monitoring the implementation of territorial instruments, including the voivodeship, territorial and programme contract;
- developing coordination mechanisms for supporting under the 16 regional operational programmes and the 16 regional programmes, considering support instruments implemented at a national level;
- conducting administrative cases related to co-financing own tasks of local self-government units with designated subsidies from the state budget pursuant to Article 20a or Article 20b of the Act of 6 December 2006 on the principles of development policy;
- implementing tasks related to the coordination of the implementation of NRR in the scope of Component D: Efficiency, accessibility and quality of the health care system, as well as carrying out tasks related to the implementation of NRP in the field of investments for Small and Medium Enterprises in products, services and competences of employees and staff related to the diversification of activities;
- coordinating tasks relating to the Just Transition Fund;
- coordination of the Ministry’s work in connection with the implementation of programmes and initiatives of the EC and other entities aimed at local self-governments;
- preparing and implementing development programmes and other instruments in support of local self-governments;
- servicing the Minister acting as the entity responsible for managing the financial contribution from the post-Brexit adjustment reserve, excluding the tasks performed by the relevant organisational units.
Director: Piotr Zygadło
Deputy Director: Marta Leśniak
Deputy Director: Anna Sulińska-Wójcik
Deputy Director: Martyna Olszewska
- phone: +48 22 273 78 50
- e-mail:
Department of Innovation and Development Support Programmes
The Department of Innovation and Development Support Programmes is responsible for:
- servicing the Minister acting as the Managing Authority of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013, the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020 (OP SG), including providing state aid as part of the implementation of the OP SG, and the performance of tasks related to the preparation of the European Funds for a Modern Economy 2021-2027 Programme;
- performing measures related to the coordination of the implementation of the NRR within the scope of Component A: Resilience and competitiveness of the economy (investment climate and innovation) and coordination of issues related to the use of financial instruments in the NRR;
- conducting matters related to the participation of Ministry representatives in teams related to issues regarding innovation;
- coordinating works related to the strategic research and development programme “Social and Economic Development of Poland in the Conditions of Globalizing Markets GOSPOSTRATEG”;
- servicing the Government Plenipotentiary for Innovation in European Projects appointed by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 14 April 2022 on the establishment of the Government Plenipotentiary for Innovation in European Projects;
- carrying out substantive supervision over the activities of:
a) Polish Agency for Enterprise Development operating under the Minister’s supervision,
b) the entities supervised by the Minister: National Centre for Research and Development and the Future Industry Platform Foundation.
Director: Małgorzata Szczepańska
Deputy Director: Marta Mioduszewska
Deputy Director: Anna Świebocka
Deputy Director: Patrycja Zeszutek
- phone: +48 22 273 81 01
- e-mail:
Department of Infrastructural Programmes
The Department of Infrastructural Programmes is responsible for:
- the execution of tasks related to services for the Minister acting as the Managing Authority for the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013 (OP I&E 2007-2013), the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 (OP I&E 2014-2020) and the Implementing Authority for the Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 in the transport sector, as well as the execution of tasks related to services for the Minister acting as the Managing Authority of the European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027 programme and the Implementing Authority of the Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 in the transport sector with the Military Mobility component;
- the management of matters related to state aid within the framework of OP I&E 2007-2013, OP I&E 2014-2020 and the European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027 programme, including by performing the function of the Point of Contact for state aid under OP I&E 2014-2020 and the European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027 programme;
- the execution of tasks related to the co-ordination of the NRP implementation within the scope of Component B: Green Energy and Energy Intensity Reduction, subject to § 33(5) of organizational regulations of the Ministry, Component E: Green, Smart Mobility and Component G: REPowerEU, subject to § 28(6) and § 36(2a) of organizational regulations of the Ministry.
Director: Jarosław Orliński
Deputy Director: Paweł Buc
Deputy Director: Paweł Szwajgier
Deputy Director: Marcin Szymański
Deputy Director: Anna Tołubińska
Deputy Director: Katarzyna Zielińska-Heitkotter
Deputy Director: Monika Grążka
- phone: +48 22 273 77 01
- e-mail:
Department of Digital Development
The Department of Digital Development is responsible for:
- servicing the Minister acting as the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Digital Poland 2014-2020 (OP PC) and the implementation of tasks related to the preparation of the European Funds for Digital Development 2021-2027 Programme;
- handling administrative cases related to the participation of Ministry representatives in teams handling matters related to digitalisation and e-government issues;
- handling administrative cases related to the participation of the Minister’s representatives in the Council of Ministers Committee for Digital Affairs;
- performing tasks related to the coordination of the implementation of the NRR in the scope of Component C: Digital transformation.
Director: Rafał Sukiennik
Deputy Director: Michał Ptaszyński
- phone: +48 22 273 75 01
- e-mail:
European Affairs and International Cooperation Department
European Affairs and International Cooperation Department is responsible for:
- maintaining a cohesive Ministry’s bilateral and multilateral European and international policy;
- coordinating the cooperation of the Ministry’s executives with the EC, the EP and other EU institutions and the country holding the EU Presidency, as well as with multilateral international institutions, in particular the UN and its agencies, including UN Habitat, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Bank, and regional associations of an international nature, to the extent not reserved for other organisational units;
- coordinating matters related to EU membership with the Ministry, including the development of Poland’s position on matters resulting from the Minister’s competencies at the level of the European Council, the EU Council, the Committee of Permanent Representatives, as well as agreeing and accepting travel instructions for meetings of the EU Council, subsidiary bodies of the EC and the EU Council and the EP Committee, and coordinating matters related to the participation of the relevant member of the Ministry’s management in CEA meetings;
- using the cooperation within the EU for the implementation of cohesion policy, the national development strategy, increased competitiveness, the National Strategy of Regional Development and the effective management of the EF;
- monitoring the transposition of EU law and monitoring the proceedings handled by the EC for non-transposition or incorrect transposition of EU legislation, as well as proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union and the EFTA Court;
- coordinating and implementing, within the scope of the Ministry’s jurisdiction, the legislative process resulting from the obligation to transpose the Directive on the accessibility of products and services into the Polish legal order;
- exercising substantive supervision over the activities of the Regional Policy and Cohesion Unit subordinate to the Minister at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union in Brussels;
- coordinating administrative matters relating to international agreements and arrangements;
- coordinating the preparation of international business travels of members of the Ministry’s management and the official visits of foreign guests at the level of the Ministry’s management;
- coordinating the implementation of tasks related to servicing the Government Plenipotentiary for the Preparation of the World Urban Forum in Katowice in 2022 appointed under the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 4 June 2019 on the Establishment of the Government Plenipotentiary for the Preparation of the World Urban Forum in Katowice in 2022 (Journal of Laws item 1036).
Director: Monika Kusina-Pycińska
Deputy Director: Zuzanna Raszkowska
Deputy Director: Wojciech Porczyk
- phone: +48 22 273 78 70
- e-mail:
Department of Strategy
The Department of Strategy is responsible for:
- coordinating the execution of development policy, including the preparation of development strategy proposals and coordination of the implementation of overall development strategies on a European and national scale, taking into consideration the territorial dimension, and coordination of the preparation and monitoring of integrated development strategies;
- strategic coordination of the implementation of the PA and the national operational programmes, renegotiation of the PA and coordination of the renegotiation of changes in the national operational programmes;
- conducting the national, regional and municipal policy, including drafting proposals and implementing the national regional development strategy, the national urban policy, and coordinating projects and programmes within the Ministry for the purpose of maintaining consistency with the national regional and municipal policy;
- coordinating works within the EU Council and with the EC and EP regarding the cohesion policy and related policies, including the shaping and negotiation of the subsequent EU financial perspectives for cohesion policy;
- implementing tasks resulting from the management of development policy through a system of strategic coordination, creation of a unified system of monitoring and evaluation of public policies;
- preparing analyses, studies and reports on Poland’s development policy and socio-economic and spatial situation, including on cohesion policy and the territorial dimension of development policy;
- coordinating development instruments at the strategic level for national and EU funds;
- implementing measures related to the coordination of participation and representation of Poland in cooperation with international institutions, organisations and other countries in the area of territorial dimension of development policy within the framework of:
a) intergovernmental cooperation in the area of EU territorial cohesion (NTCCP) and implementation of the EU Territorial Agenda and in the area of EU sustainable urban development (UDG) and implementation of the Urban Agenda for the EU,
b) the European Commission’s Expert Group on Territorial Cohesion and Urban Matters (EGTCUM),
c) cooperation programmes and groups of European territorial cooperation – the European Observatory for Territorial Development and Cohesion (ESPON), the Urban Programme (URBACT), the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN), the Baltic Sea Spatial Development Committee (VASAB), Spatial Development Observatory of the Visegrad Group countries and Bulgaria and Romania;
- coordination of the preparation and agreement of the country development concept;
- coordinating the development of the Minister’s activity plan for the year and the report on its implementation;
- the execution of tasks related to the implementation of the NRP reform on sustainable urban development;
- acting as the National Territorial Observatory (NOT);
- coordination of the Ministry’s cooperation with the Central Statistical Office;
- acting as the Project Monitoring Unit for the Ministry’s strategic project portfolio.
Director: Renata Calak
Deputies of Director: Agnieszka Kapciak, Iga Zupok-Gierwatowska, Wiktoria Saganowska
- phone: +48 22 273 76 00 or 22 273 76 01
- e-mail:
Territorial Cooperation Department
Territorial Cooperation Department is responsible for:
- servicing the Minister performing the function of:
a) the Managing Authority and the National Coordinator for ETC 2007-2013 programmes,
b) the Managing Authority and the ETC Coordinator for ETC 2014-2020 programmes,
c) the National Focal Point for the transnational and interregional cooperation programmes ETC 2014-2020;
- servicing the Minister acting as Managing Authority for the ENPI and EIS programmes;
- the performance of tasks for the PA in the implementation of ETC programmes;
- servicing the Minister with regard to European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation;
- carrying out tasks related to the coordination of transnational and cross-border cooperation in the area of planning and spatial development;
- carrying out tasks related to the preparation of the Interreg 2021-2027 programme.
Director: Rafał Baliński
Deputy Director: Magdalena Bednarczyk-Sokół
Deputy Director: Marta Pietrzyk
Deputy Director: Agnieszka Gintowt-Dziewałtowska
- phone: +48 22 273 81 50
- e-mail:
Department of European Funds Settlement Compliance
The Department of European Funds Settlement Compliance is responsible for:
- implementing Minister’s tasks under the 2014-2020 financial perspective;
- carrying out cross audits between operational programmes, programmes and between the 2007-2013, 2014-2020, 2021-2027 programming periods and the KPP, as well as cross audits under the post-Brexit adjustment reserve;
- carrying out measures related servicing Minister acting as the Certifying Body for the Local Development Programme and the function of the Irregularity Authority, under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021;
- implementation of tasks under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan related to applications for payment to the EC and coordination of the control and audit system;
- carrying out audits of the Minister acting as Member State in the financial perspective 2021-2027;
- conducting an audit of the Minister acting as the entity responsible for managing the financial contribution from the post-Brexit adjustment reserve.
Director: Beata Pałucka
Deputy Director: Dominika Tyter-Niedbała
- phone: +48 22 273 74 50
- e-mail:
Office of Communication
Director: Magdalena Raczkowska
The Communication Office is responsible for:
conducting, in cooperation with other organizational units, the information policy of the Ministry,including coordinating contacts with the media and providing media services to members of the Ministry's management,
service of a press spokesman,
coordination of matters related to granting patronage for organized events and participation in honorary committees,
coordination of the functioning of the Ministry's visual identification system,
management of the Ministry's BIP information architecture, websites: and other websites of the Ministry, excluding thematic websites, which are managed by the relevant organizational units,
making resources available on the portal from the area of properties of organizational units that do not have appropriate authorizations.
The structure of the Communication Office includes a press spokesman who coordinates the Ministry's information policy, including contacts with the media.