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More than 2,000 calls under national and regional programmes – the Partnership Agreement Committee 2021-2027 summarised their implementation


More than 2,000 calls for proposals and more than 41,000 applications for funding worth almost PLN 225 billion – this is the state of implementation of national and regional cohesion policy programmes from the 2021-2027 perspective, which was one of the topics discussed today during the 3rd meeting of the Committee for the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027.

More than 2,000 calls under national and regional programmes – the Partnership Agreement Committee 2021-2027 summarised their implementation

The attendees included the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Deputy Minister Konrad Wojnarowski, as well as representatives of the European Commission: Director of Implementation at the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) Emma Toledano-Laredo and Manager at the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) Christoph Nerlich.

I am thankful to the European Commission for its very swift action in adapting the Structural Funds to the new needs generated due to natural disasters. Thanks to the changes, a draft of which was published on Monday, the solutions we sought and which are badly needed in Poland today have been proposed,

said Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz

The Minister stressed that the proposal to amend the fund regulations is aimed at increasing the flexibility of the implementation of European funds, which will be spent to deal with the negative effects of natural disasters. She also called for the package of amendments to be proceeded urgently.

Midterm review of the programmes

The Committee meeting was also an opportunity to discuss the midterm review.

This is an important process for Poland, and all management institutions prepare for it. By the end of March 2025, they must carry out an evaluation and propose any potential changes to the programmes. They also involve non-administrative partners in the process.

State of implementation of programmes from the 2021-2027 perspective

Since the beginning of the implementation of the current financial perspective of the European funds, managing authorities have launched 2,055 calls for proposals under national and regional programmes. Their budget amounted to PLN 224.8 billion.

Beneficiaries have submitted 41,025 applications for funding.

Managing authorities concluded 8,572 co-financing agreements, with EU funding amounting to PLN 83.9 billion. This represents 26.2% of the European funds' allocation for 2021-2027.

Some projects are already being settled.

Summary of the work of the Task Force and the subcommittees of PAC 21-27

Participants at the meeting discussed recommendations from the task force on Horizontal Principles at PAC 21-27 and a review of the activities of subcommittees operating within the Committee.

Partnership Agreement Committee 2021-2027

The Partnership Agreement Committee 2021-2027 has an advisory and consultative function. It is composed of representatives of various ministries, central offices and institutions, local authorities, social and economic partners, as well as those representing civil society and the scientific and academic communities.
