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Europe of the Carpathians is summed up by its creator: Marek Kuchcinski


Europe of the Carpathians was held for the 36th time, and is one of the oldest conferences and initiatives of its kind in all of Europe. It is also a new format for cooperation throughout the Central European region. Europe of the Carpathiansis pushing for the establishment of the Carpathian Strategy at the EU level as a macro-regional strategy.

szef KPRM Marek Kuchciński

This year's topics were diverse, covering the most important areas of human activity. From geopolitics to the economy, the axiological dimension to family-friendly policies. That is, topics defining the daily life of the people of the Carpathians and the key political, social and economic issues of the Carpathian countries and regions.

Current affairs were discussed, on the one hand, by witnesses of history - people of freedom who won independence for some post-communist countries 30 years ago, and from the other, oppositionists from countries where dictators still rule. 

It is also worth noting the large attendance at all of the panels of the conference. Europe of the Carpathians is constantly looking for new topics, we are looking for new people who are worth talking to and can make a significant contribution to the development of the conference itself and the Carpathian region. That's why this year we had a lot of new faces among the panelists and the audience.

We also had a lot of interesting initiatives, such as supporting the appeal to the UN to declare a global Human Dignity Day.

The Europe of the Carpathians is also hosted by the Fourth Warsaw Conference - a permanent review forum for cooperation and assistance to Ukraine. We’re not only describing reality, but also creating strategies and setting goals for the future. The Warsaw Conference featured a number of presentations, including a report on the war in Ukraine, the state of the Ukrainian economy, its reconstruction and transformation, and a report on the Wagner Group.

We are also online, on the new dedicated portal

The Europe of the Carpathians continues - it grows - see you in Ružemberok (later this year) and in Krasiczyn in early 2024.

Read more at:

The conference was organized by the Prime Minister's Office and the Polish Parliament.

Co-organizers: GovTech Center, Eastern Europe Institute Foundation, Carpathian Europe Clubs, Waclaw Felczak Institute for Polish-Hungarian Cooperation, Collegium Carpathicum.

Partners: Bank Pekao S.A., Orlen, Tauron, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, NASK.
