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"Knowledge atoms" - 1st edition of the new programme of the Minister of Education and Science


Developing the knowledge and competences of Polish teachers, which will be used in the teaching process - these are the most important goals of the new programme of the Minister of Education and Science "Knowledge Atoms". The details of the project were presented at a press conference by Justyna Orłowska, Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation. The programme is another step for the modernisation of Polish schools.

Atomy wiedzy

1st edition of the new programme of the Minister of Education and Science

The Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation, Justyna Orłowska, announced the launch of intake for the first edition of the new programme "Knowledge Atoms". It involves cooperation and exchange of teachers with the European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva.

The programme was suspended 10 years ago and we are relaunching it today. The first edition will already take place in March. We are recruiting 36 teachers, mainly physics teachers.

- announced Justyna Orłowska. 

As she pointed out, CERN is one of the key scientific institutions in the world: - CERN needs no introduction. I would just like to remind you that this is where the World Wide Web protocol was developed and where the Large Hadron Collider is located. 

I hope that, just as Nicolaus Copernicus drew on these global inspirations, our teachers will also draw on these global best practices to use them here in Poland, in Polish schools, so that our young people, together with their teachers, make the best, most effective use of, for example, the equipment in the Future Labs and our other programmes.

- noted the Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation during the conference. 

Justyna Orłowska recalled that thanks to the 'Future Labs', pupils in almost all primary schools in Poland can use 3D printers, microcontrollers with soldering irons, audio-video equipment and VR goggles. 

How to take part in the programme?

The programme is aimed for physics and chemistry teachers from primary to  secondary schools across Poland. Teachers will visit the European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva. They will also participate in intensive training. 

The aim of the trip is to enhance teachers' competences with the latest knowledge and skills, which will later be used in their teaching process.

Date of the trip: 11-19 March 2023.

Applications are made via application form available on the website of the Centre for the Development of Education.  

Terms of participation in the project

  • The basis for participation in the training is filling in the application form, available on the website of the Centre for Education Development.
  • A trip abroad as part of the "Atoms of Knowledge" project is organized as part of cooperation between the Centre for Education Development in Warsaw and the European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva.
  • The aim of the project is to gain knowledge that can be transferred to teaching activities in primary and secondary schools.
  • The trip must be organized between 11th and 19 March 2023.  Teachers are required to attend a workshop at CERN for a minimum of 6 hours per day for 5 days and then, using the gained skills , conduct a workshop for primary school teachers. The workshop will be held in the showroom of 'Future Labs' in Warsaw within 90 days of return.
  • The organizer of the trip will cover the costs of travel and stay (accommodation and meals), as well as insurance.
  • The programme includes lectures, workshops and sightseeing. Examples of topics include: introduction to particle and nuclear physics, accelerators around us, history of the universe, radioactivity and medicine.
  • The project is aimed for physics and chemistry teachers from primary and secondary schools from all over Poland. Applications from physics teachers will be a  priority.
  • Participants will receive a Certificate for  completing the project.
  • In case of insufficient number of physics teachers, applications of chemistry teachers will be considered further.
  • Participants qualified for the trip should contact the organizer and arrange the details of the trip, present all required documents at least 20 days before the trip. Otherwise, the participant will lose the right to participate in the project and his/her place will be taken by a person from the reserve list.