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May at the Mobile Future Labs


Another month of the Mobile Future Labs is behind us. Educators visited 218 schools across the country in May and conducted fascinating activities for more than 13,000 students. In addition, MLPs could be found at events open to whole families and people interested in new technologies.

In May, we provided activities for more than 13,000 pupils in 218 schools
Mobile Future Labs

The Mobile Future Labs travel kilometers every day to reach the most diverse corners of Poland so that they can help students discover their talents. Thanks to the equipment purchased thanks to the Mobile Future Labs programme, every school in the country has access to the same equipment. We encourage schools to sign up to the programme and take advantage of it during the summer holidays too!

- Justyna Orłowska, Plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister for GovTech and Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation

In May, Mobile Future Labs educators visited 218 schools across the country and conducted inspiring new technology classes for more than 13,000 students. Since the start of the project in September 2022, educators have visited 1,880 schools and conducted demonstration classes for 112,800 students.

In addition, the Mobile Future Labs could be encountered during the Festival of Professions and the International STEAM & AI in EDUCATION Conference in Kraków, at the Congress of the Future in Olsztyn, at the EKSPLORACJE 2023 Science Picnic in Rzeszów and on the eve of Children's Day in Kielce. Educators presented interactive Photon robots, the operation of 3D printers, VR goggles and the possibilities of using microcontrollers in education.

Educators, despite the approaching end of the school year, attend regular training sessions to prepare them to teach during the holidays and once the next school year begins. The new classes will use Fable robots from partner company Aktin. In June we will also see the handover of interactive floors from Smartfloor to the Mobile Laboratories of the Future, which will power MLPs in all voivodeships.

In May, Mobile Future Labs educators visited schools in the following localities:

  • Voivodship Dolnośląskie: Kamienna Góra, Ścinawa, Bogatynia, Jugów, Budziszów Wielki, Syców, Gniechowice, Lubomierz, Walim, Rzeczyca, Lipa, Malczyce, Piechowice
  • Voivodship Kujawsko-pomorskie: Mogilno, Janikowo, Górzno, Lisewo, Wąpielsk, Czernikowo, Toruń, Sławęcinek, Stolno, Sierpc, Inowrocław
  • Voivodship Lubelskie: Hanna, Dorohusk-Osada, Wola Gałęzowska, Stara Wieś Druga, Łęczna, Mełgiew, Dębowa Kłoda, Urszulin, Ożarów, Łysów, Krzesk-Królowa Niwa, Maciejowice
  • Voivodship Lubuskie: Lubczyno, Otyń, Leszno Górne, Nowa Sól, Dąbrówka Wielkopolska, Sława, Tuplice, Przewóz, Kostrzyn Nad Odrą, Deszczno, Witnica, Gubin, Bytom Odrzański, Łęknica
  • Voivodeship Łódzkie: Zgierz, Klonowa, Brzeziny, Kocierzew Południowy, Dobryszyce, Łęki Szlacheckie, Dąbrowice, Rychłocice, Babsk, Kozłów Biskupi, Mogielnica, Sierzchowy, Szynkielów
  • Voivodship Małopolskie: Borki, Gronków, Długołęka-Świerkla, Tarnawa Dolna, Tylmanowa, Ryczówek, Chechło, Sucha Beskidzka, Stary Sącz, Stryszawa, Krzeszów, Kraków
  • Voivodship Mazowieckie: Przesmyki, Boguty-Pianki, Dzierzgowo, Lazów, Gzyzy, Piski, Wąsewo, Dąbrówka Podłężna, Warszawa, Lipowiec Kościelny, Wola Rębkowska, Kosów Lacki, Maszewo Duże, Zaręby Kościelne, Kozłów Biskupi, Jedlińsk, Wola Mystkowska, Maciejowice, Szulborze Wielkie, Jazgarka, Ostrołęka, Gózd Stary, Szczutowo, Kąty, Myszyniec, Krzesk-Królowa Niwa, Mogielnica, Kopana, Czarnia, Dębinki, Łyse, Franciszków, Ceranów, Mrozy
  • Voivodship Opolskie: Zdzieszowice, Prudnik, Krośnica, Komorniki, Januszkowice, Lewin Brzeski, Dobra, Strzeleczki, Strojec, Żyrowa, Gogolin
  • Voivodeship Podkarpackie: Polana, Czarna Górna, Jabłonka, Baligród, Przedmieście Dubieckie, Bachórzec, Cisna, Albigowa, Tryńcza, Leszczawa Dolna, Bóbrka, Róża
  • Voivodeship Podlaskie: Dąbrowa Wielka
  • Voivodeship Pomorskie: Łęczyce, Brzeźno Lęborskie, Gotelpie, Wocławy, Cedry Małe, Główczyce, Pobłocie, Żelkowo, Stowęcin, Osieczna, Subkowy, Mała Słońca, Więckowy, Gdańsk
  • Voivodeship Śląskie: Lgoczanka, Konopiska, Szczerbica, Radestków, Jejkowice, Zabrzeg, Brzyszów, Zamarski, Pniów, Kobyla, Bieruń, Parzymiechy, Tarnowskie Góry, Racibórz
  • Voivodeship Świętokrzyskie: Solec Stary, Szewno, Szczukowskie Górki, Odrowąż, Rataje Słupskie, Węchadłów, Łączna, Sulejów, Wola Morawicka, Nowy Korczyn, Stary Korczyn, Barycz, Kołaczkowice, Kielce
  • Voivodship Warmińsko-mazurskie: Wielki Łęck, Chełchy, Choszczewo, Olsztyn
  • Voivodeship wielkopolskie: Kuźnica Czarnkowska, Fałkowo, Lednogóra, Biskupice, Kościelec, Skoraszewice, Rydzyna, Opalenica, Wilczyn, Gulcz, Jedlec, Kościelna Wieś, Zakrzewo, Stara Wiśniewka
  • Voivodship Zachodniopomorskie: Golenice, Dębice, Kłodzino, Brzeżno, Parsęcko, Koszalin, Kunowo, Krzywin, Oparzno, Karścino, Koszalin

To register your school for the programme, fill in the form at Each school can apply and invite educators to participate in free of charge workshops, which will enable students to make even better use of the equipment purchased under the programme Labs of the Future and teachers to expand their teaching base, which will improve the level of education.

More information

The most up-to-date information on the Mobile Labs of the Future can be found
on the website:  
on Facebook: 
on Instagram: 
