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Summary of the activities of Justyna Orlowska in her role as Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation


Minister Przemysław Czarnek and the Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation, Justyna Orłowska, summarised the most important digitalisation activities carried out in cooperation between Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland and the GovTech Centre. These include: Future Labs, Mobile Future Labs, Games in Education, the Atoms of Knowledge and League of Robots programmes, as well as the establishment of the AI in Education working group. Currently in process, new projects are: Virtual Future Labs, the introduction of the subject Business and Management and the launch of the portal

Minister Przemysław Czarnek oraz Pełnomocnik Ministra Edukacji i Nauki ds. transformacji cyfrowej Justyna Orłowska

“It has been a school year filled with cooperation, with excellent results, between the Ministry of Education and Science and GovTech" - said the head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland during the conference. Minister Przemysław Czarnek, thanking the Plenipotentiary of the Ministry of Education and Science for Digital Transformation, Justyna Orłowska, and the entire team for  the most important projects in  the modernisation of Polish schools. 

“The flagship success, resulting from the cooperation between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and GovTech, is of course the 'FutureLabs' programme and the provision of 15,000 primary schools with modern IT and technology labs” 

The Minister of Education and Science also drew attention to the preparation of the core curriculum for the new subject of business and management and its introduction in schools from 1 September 2023. Business and management is a subject that will draw attention to the more practical side of economic and financial decision-making, not only in terms of one's business, economic activity, but also in aspects of daily basis, including: family life and household duties. 

On the other hand, the Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation, Justyna Orłowska, drew attention to the role of cooperation, thanks to which many important projects have been accomplished.. She pointed out that cooperation is one of the key competences of the future. In its development, help projects such as the Future Labs or the League of Robots.

“Cooperation is a word that has been with me since the beginning of my work at the Ministry of Education and Science. But in order to be able to change the face of cooperation in all cases, there must be also the will for it. And it was with this will, openness and massive trust , that I met in the office of the Minister of Education and Science with  Prof. Przemysław Chernak, who invited me to cooperate. I thank him for this on behalf of myself and those who co-create what we call the School of the Future Today - a series of programmes that help school communities build the competences of the future”

The Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation, Justyna Orłowska, emphasised that the “Future Labs” programme is highly recognised outside Poland, as evidenced the huge interest in the initiative at the largest new technology fair BETT in London. 

“We are happy that we can not only  learn from others, but also inspire others, as we could see by representing Poland for the first time  at the oldest and largest educational technology fair BETT in London” 

We support students to build the competences of the future

Future Labs

This is the largest ever investment in modern education, to which we have allocated  1.2 billion PLN. Thanks to the programme, every primary school in Poland has received financial support for the purchase of innovative teaching aids, such as: 3D printers, microcontrollers, VR goggles, robots, soldering irons and other modern equipment, that develops the talents and practical skills of students.

The equipment purchased from the programme is used by 3.2 million students, from more than 15,000 local government, non-government, arts and Polish schools abroad in the programme.

Mobile Future Labs

The Mobile Future Labs are 16 teams of educators who conduct workshops using modern equipment available in schools, thanks to the “Future Labs”programme. In the 2022/2023 school year, the educators visited:

359 districts - approx. 99.7 per cent of all districts in Poland,
125,000 students participating in workshops, from 2,077 schools,
conducted 17,000 hours of classes,
travelled 640 000 kilometres.

League of Robots

"League of Robots" is a nationwide robotics tournament aimed at promoting robotics and modern technologies and developing future competences among students from 4th to 8th grade classes in  primary schools. Pupils, form teams whose task is to design, construct, programme a robot and perform a mission with supervision from their teachers . More than 700 teams from all over Poland have entered  in the tournament, of which 320 teams have been qualified to participate. The new school year will see the start of provincial tournaments culminating in the final, in which the 32 best teams from all over Poland will take part.

Games in education

The purpose of this initiative is to widely integrate educational games into the teaching process. Any game developer can submit its project, which - after verification by a team of specialists - can be included in the core curriculum. On the basis of these, lesson scenarios are prepared, which makes it easier for pupils and teachers to use the new teaching formula. Incorporating games into education makes it possible to impart knowledge in a way, that is attractive to students, develop soft skills and expand the limits of their imagination. Two games are currently available: "The Cipher Game" and "This War of Mine".

Print history in 3D

Thanks to the 'Print History in 3D' project, every schoolchild in Poland will be able to literally touch museum artefacts. The initiative is not only an interactive history lesson, but also an innovative approach to discover and promote archaeological monuments and cultural identity. By combining modern technology with historical heritage, through 3D scanning and printing  artefacts by  promoting museums, we aim to bring the past to life.We encourage young people to discover it and build a connection with our cultural heritage.
The digitally processed scans  are being uploaded to the Integrated Education Platform, where every student and teacher can free download them  and then print them on the school's 3D printer.

Building the tomorrow’s competencies of  teachers 

"Atoms of Knowledge"

"Atoms of Knowledge" is the reactivation of a programme whose main objective is to develop the knowledge and competences of Polish teachers. 32 teachers from all over Poland were able to broaden their knowledge and acquire new competences by participating in intensive training and workshops at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva.

Establishment of the working group “AI in education”

Responding to the needs of teachers, we are looking for ways to support them in their work, so we  set up a working group "AI in education", to discuss the future and use of artificial intelligence in education. Participants of the group are key opinion leaders from Microsoft and Microsoft for Education. The group is open to collaborate with experts interested in the topic of artificial intelligence (known as AI). The activity is implemented as part of the policy for the development of AI in Poland adopted by the Council of Ministers in 2020.

We will change the face of Polish schools

New subject business and management 

The new subject will be introduced in secondary schools from 1 September 2023 and will replace the subject called “basics of entrepreneurship”. Particular emphasis within BiZ (known as business and management), will be placed on group work, analysis of practical examples of the experiences of Polish and foreign entrepreneurs and the development of leadership competences.
A matura exam in business and management will be also introduced in 2027. It will have an innovative formula - 70 percent will be a written exam, including case study analysis, and the other 30 percent , will be oral matura exam, based on the evaluation of a team project carried out at school. - education and science portal

The information part of the portal is already in place. Soon everyone will be able to open their own education account, which will contain education-related documents. is a programme of digital changes in education. They are initiated by researching the needs of participants in the education and learning process in Poland. Based on the results of the research, digital tools have been created to meet the needs of the audience. The possibility of dealing with education-related matters online (access to information, contact with the school, digital signing of documents).

75 percent of parents participating in the survey support this project.

Virtual Future Labs - the digital world for secondary schools

"FutureLabs" is the largest ever investment of the Polish state in modern education. Today, the project also enters the digital world. 

The Virtual Future Labs have:

  • free access for schools to the latest professional software
  • large computing capacities for educational use
  • individual space for each student and teacher

The programme is intented for secondary schools.
