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Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Reykjavik

address: Þórunnartun 2, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
emergency telephone: +354 520 50 50
telephone: +354 520 50 50
fax: +354 511 11 20

Phone contact details

You can contact the Embassy by phone daily between 02:00 pm  and 05:00 pm and on Thursdays between 10:00 am  and 01:00 pm  (except on Polish and Icelandic Public Holidays)


Emergency telephone to the consul on duty: 

Is operated only after office hours, during weekends and Public Holidays.

We urge you to contact the consul on duty in cases of emergency, such as incidents or death.

Please note that the emergency telephone is not designated to provide customers with information regarding the office opening hours, booking appointments or passport and visa matters.

The emergency telephone number: +354 8445051


Social media

Twitter: @PLinIceland
Facebook: .@PLinIceland