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IGF Poland – Internet Governance Forum is a part of the United Nations initiative
bringing together local national meetings in Europe and other parts of the world.

Internet Governance Forum

The Internet Governance Forum is an annual conference that crowns the activities of IGF Poland.
Our ambition is to highlight the Polish point of view in the global debate on the future of digital space.

What we do?

Since its inception in 2016, IGF Poland has been facilitating collaboration between different communities interested
in shaping the debate on Internet governance.

We build a space for joint debate

We build a space which enables sharing knowledge, experience and best practices. Our debates are equitable, open and transparent.

Access for all

All stakeholders, regardless of their age, occupation and interest, may get involved in the work of IGF Poland and co-organise our annual events.

Impacting the shape of the Internet

We want to contribute to shaping global views on Internet governance and other related issues.

We look forward to working with you.

If you want to get involved in the activities of IGF Poland - Digital Development Forum, please contact us. Everyone is welcome to join our debate, regardless of background, views and experiences. Anyone is welcome to speak, suggest a topic for discussion, or submit an idea for a workshop or session during the annual conference.