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Farewell for STEP-IN Civic Association in the Dawoodia IDPs Camp


Consul Dominik Musiał & Vice-Consul Stanisław Guliński took part in a farewell ceremony for STEP-IN Civic Association in the Dawoodia IDPs' Camp in Dohuk Governorate. STEP-IN is a Slovak asscoiation that received - since 2015 - financial support from Polish Aid, while cooperating with Polish organizations, for example recently with the Club of Catholic Intelligentsia (KIK)/ Warsaw. The ceremony was attended by the camp manager Clara Eliea Gorial and the KIK representative Marta Titaniec.

Farewell for STEP-IN in Dawoodia Camp 2

In April 2017 the STEP-IN team took over the clinic at Dawoodia IDP Camp. At the time the facility had limited resources and capacity, but then it flourished. The clinic saw up to 1500 patients each month. The majority were residents of the camp although its reputation drew in people from further afield. The clinic housed clinical laboratory and microbiology lab, which provided essential diagnostic services to the region, especially in an era of growing antibiotic resistance. 

At the Dawoodia Clinic STEP-IN provided outpatient consultations, antenatal care, gynecological consultations, ultrasound examinations, nutrition screening, clinical psychotherapy, physiotherapy services, and on-site pharmaceutical services (including the provision of free chronic/ essential medications).

The clinic also acted as a base for our community health workers, who ran health awareness and education campaigns in the camp. The team dedicated a room to a vaccination program run by the WHO, and ran trauma-management sessions for children in the neighboring women’s centre.

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