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C-Type Schengen Visa

​​​​Where to apply?

You can apply at the consular office.

Do I have to apply in person?

Visa application form must be submitted in person. Diplomatic mission does not accept application forms sent via fax, regular mail or e-mail.

How to book an appointment?

You can book your appointment to apply for a visa via the e-konsulat system.

New slots for appointments are opened two weeks in advance every Wednesday or Thursday. 

Remember that you must submit your visa application no earlier than 6 months before your planned departure, and in the case of seamen performing their official duties, no earlier than 9 months. We remind you that, as a rule, applications are submitted no later than 15 calendar days before the start of the planned trip.

You will find option “Schengen Visa - register form” on the left, in the Menu tab.

Language version can be changed to English in the top right corner. 

What documents do I need to submit?

General requirements to be submitted by applicants for short stay visas in Poland:

1.    A visa application form filled via the e-konsulat system, printed and signed.

2.    A 3.5 x 4.5 cm colour photo. The photo must be:
       a.    sharp, taken against white background and printed on a quality paper,
       b.    newer than 6 months, submitting an older photo may result in a negative decision.
       c.    taken en face, clearly showing the eyes and face from both sides from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders with the face covering 70-80% of the  photo. 

              Please note that the photo should not be attached to the application form as it has to be scanned separately.

3.   Passport issued within last ten years, valid for at least three months from the expected return date, with at least two blank pages for visas. If you have another valid passport, you should attach it to the visa application form.

4.    A copy of the passport page with personal data and a photo + copies of previous Schengen visas (if applicable).

5.   Applicants for a Schengen (uniform) visa for single or double entries shall demonstrate that they have adequate and valid travel medical insurance covering any expenses that may arise during their stay (s) in the territory of the Member States relating to the need to return for medical reasons, the need for urgent medical care, emergency inpatient treatment or death. Multiple-entry visa applicants shall demonstrate that they have adequate and valid travel medical insurance for the period of their first intended visit. The insurance must be valid throughout the territory of the Member States of the European Union, cover the entire period of the planned stay. The minimum amount of insurance is EUR 30,000.

6.   For non-Jordanian applicants with residence in Jordan: proof of legal residence in Jordan, valid one month after the intended departure from the territory of the Member States or permission to re-enter Jordan.

7.    Original bank statements in English for the last 3 months showing sufficient funds to travel to Poland (300 PLN for the first 3 days, and 75 PLN for every following day of planned stay). In the absence of bank account, proof of other assets has to be provided like salary slips. Alternatively, bank statements of the person who is paying for the trip can be submitted.

8.    Proof of accommodation, such as: 

  • hotel reservation, or proof of sufficient means to cover accommodation, or 
  • confirmation of private accommodation, stating that the costs will be covered by the host (if relevant, such confirmation may be given through a proof of sponsorship by means of an official national form), or 
  • proof of rental or ownership of property

9.    A round trip booking or sufficient means to buy a ticket.

10. Family booklet called “daftar eileh” or ” دفتر عائلةin Jordan , "bataqa Asyria" or "بطاقة اسرية" in Syria.

11. Employees: Certificate of employment, specifying the date of recruitment, position in the company, salary level, leave permission and contact details of employer.

12. Company owners: Original of the commercial registry and the company’s annual license to operate.

13. Pupils/students: Proof of enrolment in school/university.

Supporting documents to be submitted depending on travel purpose

1. Tourism 

A detailed travel plan for the whole trip with either reservation of accommodation and transport or proof of sufficient means to cover the travel and accommodation costs.

2. Business

       a. Official invitation letter from the inviting company/individual (stamped and signed) containing detailed information concerning: 

  • address and contacts of the company; 
  • nature of the business; 
  • name and position of the countersigning person; 
  • purpose and duration of stay;  
  • person or entity who will bear the travel and living costs; 
  • Specification if the person needs to travel regularly.

       b. Information/documents to be provided by the Jordanian company the applicant represents during the business trip: -

  • company registration details; 
  • stamped and signed company letter, mentioning: 
  • full address and contact persons of the company; 
  • nature of the business; 
  • name and position of the countersigning person; 
  • name position, salary, years of employment (if applicable); 
  • purpose of the visit; 
  • person or entity that bears the applicant’s travel and living costs.

3. Visiting family or friends

       a. If relevant, an official national sponsorship form may be requested.

       b. Invitation letter signed by the inviting person: 

  • Invitation should include copy of ID, full address and contact information of the inviting person; 
  • If the inviting person is to cover the applicant’s expenses the inviting person must provide evidence of possession of sufficient financial resources to cover the intended stay.

4. Medical treatment

       a. Confirmation of appointment from host medical institution; Official letter required containing the following information: 

  • date and location of the appointment; 
  • type and duration of treatment to be provided.

       b. Official document/certificate from a Jordanian medical institution proving the medical record that justifies the need for treatment abroad;

       c. Financial guarantee: Confirmation of prepayment for the medical treatment or any other proof of financial arrangements made.

5. Airport transit

       a. Valid visa for the country of next or final destination;

       b. Proof of the intention of carrying out the onward journey: copy of continuation ticket or reservation, and plausible explanation of routing

Additionally, when applying for a visa for a minor you should present:

  • Written consent of the child’s parent(s) to apply for a visa, confirmed by a notary. If there is only one guardian, it should be proved by a birth certificate, a court decision on exclusive parental custody or a death certificate of the other parent.
  • Originals and copies of parents' passports.
  • Original and a copy of a birth certificate.
  • If the minor travels without one or two of his/her legal guardians: consent of the parental authority, or legal guardian not accompanying the minor shall be provided. The consent should be issued by a competent body such as police authority or relevant court.

Please note:

  • You must apply for a visa in a consular office or the embassy’s consular department in the consular district of your place of residence.
  • Usually, the above documents are enough to receive a visa, however, the consul may require additional documents.
  • Apply for a visa not earlier than six months before and not later than 15 days before your planned journey.
  • The consul may, but does not have to, invite the applicant for an interview.
  • You may be banned from entering any of the Schengen States if you present forged documents or provide false information.
  • Receiving the visa does not guarantee that you will enter the Schengen area - the final decision is always made by the authorities of the country where you intend to cross the Schengen area border.
  • Language requirement - all requested documents have to be translated into the language of the country to be visited or English.


Based on the annex to the Commission Implementing Decision amending Implementing Decision C(2013) 1725 as regards the list of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants in Jordan for short stay visas. (Brussels, 23.6.2023 C(2023) 4048 final) 

How much does it cost?

The visa fee is 67 JOD, it does not apply to the spouses of Polish citizens, whose applications are processed with no charge.

Children between the ages of six and under 12 pay a visa fee of 34 JOD.

The fee is accepted in cash only

The visa fee is regularly reviewed to reflect administrative costs.

The visa application fee is non-returnable, whatever the consul's decision. 

What is the waiting time?

The consul will make the decision on the visa within 15 calendar days. Exceptionally, the time to make the decision can be extended up to 30 or 60 days.  

For nationals of certain countries or categories of travellers, the period of time required for taking a decision on an application may be extended due to visa consultations.

An updated list of third countries whose nationals and categories of travellers are subject to visa consultation is available on the European Commission's website (link).

How to collect the documents?

You can collect your visa decision personally every working day at 1:00-3:00 pm

How to appeal?

A negative decision on a visa application shall include the reasons for that decision.

If you do not agree with the consul's decision, you may ask to have your visa application re-considered. You must apply for the reconsideration in the office that issued the decision within 14 days of its delivery.

The application fee in this case is 60 JOD.

You can submit an appeal personally at the consulate every working day at 9:00 am -1:00 pm.

Revocation or annulment of Schengen visa

If you do not agree with the consul's decision, you may ask to have your visa application re-considered. You must apply for the reconsideration in the office that issued the decision within 14 days of its delivery.

The application fee in this case is 60 JOD.

If you apply for reconsideration after your Schengen visa was revoked or annulled, you do not have to pay the consular fee.

Complaint about refusal to issue Schengen visa, decision to revoke or annul Schengen visa and the consul's activities in this respect.

If the consul who examines your reconsideration request, issues a new decision to refuse, annul or revoke your visa, which you do not agree with, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw. The complaint should be forwarded through the consul who made the decision, within 30 days of receiving the decision taken as a result of the re-examination .

You do not pay a consular fee for submitting a complaint to the consul, but you have to pay fees for proceedings before administrative courts. Therefore, you have to note that the court will ask you to pay the court fee. More information on the amount of court fees when appealing with the administrative court, possibility to apply for an exemption from the costs and the language of the procedure, is available at:

Frequently asked questions?

How do I apply?

1. Register at the e-konsulat page of our embassy. (You can change the language to English in the top right corner)

  • Remember to print out your application that will be available to download in the pdf form during the registration process.
  • If no spots are available, we free up spaces on daily/weekly basis. Registering online is the only way of getting an appointment. 

2. Come to you appointment prepared, with your application printed out and all the necessary documents and copies (list of the documents can be found in the "What documents do I need to submit?" section.)

3. Your documents' pick-up date is stamped on your receipt that is given to you after your application is accepted. (please remember - failure to submit all the necessary documents on the day of the application will result in a delay).

4. At this stage you can be invited to the Embassy for an interview, or contacted regarding missing documents. (it is very important to keep all your contact data like phone number and email - up to date in your application).

5. Come to the Embassy on the specified pick-up day, between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm, to receive your papers. 

Can I pick up someone else's passport?

No. The only exception is if the pickup is arranged beforehand with the Consular section and all the necessary documents are presented to the consular section in advance. 

Can I pick up my passport before the visa decision is made?

Yes! You can pick up your passport at any point of your application. You will have to remember to bring it to the Embassy to receive your decision. 

I suddenly can't come to my appointment! Can I change its date?

Yes, but all the changes have to be requested via e-mail and be approved by the consular section. 

The e-konsulat page doesn't work for me, can I register per email?

No. The only way to register your application is through the e-konsulat page. In case of issues, we advise changing the internet network, or the device you use. 

What time is my appointment?

The exact time of your appointment is printed on the last page of the pdf document with your application. 

Which company is in cooperation with the Embassy of Poland? Which company should I apply through?

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Amman is not connected with any local or international companies. The only way to apply for a visa is personally through our Embassy.

