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Certificate allowing the repatriation of body or ashes (remains) into Poland

Where to apply?

Certificate allowing the repatriation of body or ashes (remains) into Poland can be obtained at a competent local Polish consular post. 

Do I have to apply in person?

Documents can be submitted in person, through a representative or sent by post.

How to book an appointment?

To book an appointment, please write to the following e-mail address: or via phone +962 6 551 25 96.

What documents do I need to submit?

You will need:

  • A burial permit issued by the district governor or mayor — such permit may be requested by the deceased’s family or a funeral parlour authorised to do so.
  •  A copy of the death certificate or other document confirming the death.
  • inne dokumenty wymagane w państwie przyjmującym - uzupełnia placówka.
How much does it cost?

The fee is 40 JOD.

What is the waiting time?

The consul will issue the certificate without delay and not later than 3 days from the application date.

How to collect the documents?

In person. You can also request to have them delivered to you by post if you will cover the postage costs.

How to appeal?

In the event of refusal, the consul will issue a decision against which you can lodge a complaint with the Minister of Foreign Affairs within 7 days. The complaint is lodged via the consul who issued the decision.

Frequently asked questions

What happens if the family chooses not to repatriate the body into Poland?

If the family of the deceased person chooses not to have them brought to Poland, the consul will request local authorities to give them a burial in accordance with local laws (at the cost of local authorities, in public cemeteries).

Remember that the consul will not cover your expenses, provide advice or take decisions on burial arrangements on behalf of the deceased’s family.
