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Meeting of the Minister of Justice with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Poland


“Poland and the United Kingdom should work together to bring to justice the perpetrators of the Russian aggression against Ukraine,” stressed the Minister of Justice, Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar during today's (February 26) meeting with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Poland, Anna Clunes.

Spotkanie Ministra Sprawiedliwości z Ambasador Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej w Polsce

The topic of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, which began two years ago, was an important topic of Polish-British talks at the Ministry of Justice. As Minister Adam Bodnar noted, the task of Poland and the United Kingdom should be to support the system of estimating war damage, which operates within the Council of Europe.

“At the United Nations, we should work together to protect the rights of children who are victims of crimes against humanity,” appealed Minister Adam Bodnar to Ambassador Anna Clunes.

“Poland, as a member of the European Union, and the United Kingdom, as a member of the G7 group, acting together, can be a significant force on the international arena,” assessed Ambassador Anna Clunes. She stressed that it is important for the United Kingdom to conclude a bilateral international agreement with Poland on the transfer of prisoners to serve their sentence in the country of which they are citizens.

During the talks, the issue of the return of children to their permanent place of residence, in the United Kingdom or in Poland, was also raised. “In such cases, the most important thing is the good of the child, whose legal situation must be regulated in a quick and unambiguous way. Court decisions in these cases must be efficiently implemented,” emphasized Minister Adam Bodnar.

As the minister pointed out, the ministry he heads is interested in developing cooperation with the judiciary of the United Kingdom. “We are interested in exchanging experiences on the work of judges, prosecutors and other employees of the judiciary, as well as officers and employees of the prison service. We also want to learn about the British experience on possibilities of replacing temporary detention with an electronic surveillance system,” he said.

Deputy Minister of Justice Krzysztof Śmiszek spoke in a similar tone: “We strive to accelerate and simplify cooperation with the United Kingdom and to use electronic means of communication instead of exchanging paper documents.”

“An important area of common interest is cooperation to combat child exploitation, also on the internet,” stressed Minister Adam Bodnar.

The Polish judiciary is developing international cooperation with the United Kingdom. An example of this is not only the Monday meeting, but, among others, the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Justice in the conference on combating the flow of cash from crime related cash, which took place in London on February 12-13 this year. The debate, in addition to representatives of the judiciary of both countries, also included delegates from Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Greece.

The conference participants familiarized themselves with the regulations on combating money laundering in European countries. They discussed the threat posed by international economic crimes to national security and state budgets.

Communication and Promotions Ofice
Ministry od Justice
