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Meeting of the senior Ministry of Justice officials with the delegation of the Council of Europe


Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar and Deputy Ministers Dariusz Mazur and Krzysztof Śmiszek met with the Director General Christos Giakoumopoulos of the Human Rights and Rule of Law Directorate of the Council of Europe. The main topic of the talks was the implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the independence of courts and judges.

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The meeting, which took place on February 27, was also attended by the Head of the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, Clare Ovey, the Secretary of the Venice Commission, Simona Granata-Menghini, and representatives of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"We recognize the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, and we intend to implement them," assured Minister Adam Bodnar. He added that work is underway to prepare appropriate legal solutions. In the cases still pending before the ECHR, a review of positions is being carried out and a revision is being prepared.

Deputy Ministers Krzysztof Śmiszek and Dariusz Mazur presented the activities aimed at restoring the rule of law in Poland. They pointed out that the current management of the ministry is working on two areas: developing current solutions and preparing comprehensive regulations.

Director Christos Giakoumopoulos stated that the Council of Europe sees the commitment of the Polish authorities to the process of restoring the rule of law and declared support for its further actions. According to Secretary Simona Granata-Menghini, the current goals of the Polish government and the Venice Commission are common, which is why she encouraged the ministry to consult with the Commission on new legislative projects. Representatives of the ECHR Department for the Execution of Judgments also positively assessed the steps taken by the Polish government. They assured that the entire current context will be considered in the assessment of Poland's implementation of the ECHR judgments.

The Polish government is represented before the Court by the Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights. Since December 14, 2023, Agnieszka Kozińska-Makowska has been the Plenipotentiary.

Communication and Promotions Ofice
Ministry od Justice

