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Financing of public broadcasters

Pursuant to Art. 1 of the Subscription Fees Act dated 21 April 2005 (Journal of Laws of 2005 No. 85, item 728 and No. 157, item 1314), subscription fees shall be collected in order to ensure that the public mission set forth in Art. 21 section 1 of the National Broadcasting Council Act dated 29 December 1992 can be pursued by public radio and television broadcasting entities.

The National Broadcasting Council determines annually, and not later than on or before 30 June, the allocation of the subscription fees paid in respect of using radio and television sets as well as receipts from sources other than subscription fees such as from default interest in respect of delayed subscription fee payment, penalties for using unregistered radio and television sets, default interest from Regional Polish Post Office Units in respect of delayed transfer of subscription fees, bank interest on the capital collected in a separate KRRiT’s account, to the public radio and television broadcasting entities for the following calendar year, including the minimum share of regional divisions of the companies referred to in Art. 26 sections 2 and 3 of the Act on radio and television broadcasting.

The abovementioned receipts, except for amounts deducted under Art. 6 section 2 of the Subscription Fees Act (the subscription fee receipts and default interest in respect of delayed payment of those fees shall be transferred by a public operator to a separate bank account of the National Broadcasting Council after deduction of the agreed charge due in respect of such services) and Art. 7 section 8 of the Subscription Fees Act (50% of the subscription fee collected for an unregistered radio or television set), are fully earmarked for the activity of public radio and television broadcasting entities.