How to pay a licence fee
The licence fees for using radio and television sets are collected in order to enable the public radio and television broadcasting entities to pursue their public mission.
Licence fees shall be paid by means of:
- personalised paying-in slips received by mail,
- standardized paying-in slips for payment into a bank account, generally available in post offices.
The radio & television licence fee may be paid at all post offices without additional charge. Payments can be made also via other financial institutions and via the Internet.
Payments in respect of the radio & TV licence fee shall be made to a bank account number that contains the individual ID number of the subscriber.
Any questions concerning determination of the bank account number, the individual ID number of the subscriber, the period and amount of outstanding licence fee payments and obtaining the paying-in slips should be addressed to the e-mail of Poczta Polska S.A.:
The information on the above matters can be found on the Poczta Polska’s website: RTV.
Natural persons shall pay a single fee per month (radio or radio & television fee) irrespective of the number of r/tv sets in the household or in the car.
A single licence fee, irrespective of the number of r/tv sets used, shall be also paid by: public healthcare institutions, sanatoria, nurseries, public and non-public organisational units of the education system, state-owned and non-state-owned colleges and nursing homes – in the same building, a complex of buildings or in cars used by them.
Companies and institutions shall pay the licence fee for each radio and television set.