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Russian programs removed from the registry of distributed programs


Zdjęcie w poziomie. Przewodniczący KRRiT Witold Kołodziejski na tle białej ściany z napisem "KRRiT"

Due to armed attack to Ukraine by the Russian Federation, in connection with the security and defense of the Republic of Poland, The National Broadcasting Council has adopted today a resolution on the deletion of the following Russian programs from the register of tv programs distributed in the ICT system and from the register of programs redistributed on satellite and internet platforms:

- RT (Russia Today),

- RT Documentary,

- RTR Planeta,

- Soyuz TV,

- Russija 24.

Removal from the register means that the aforementioned programs cannot be distributed in cable networks, satellite platforms and Internet platforms.

The Press Release and the Council's resolution are available at: https://www.gov.pl/web/krrit/rosyjskie-programy-wykreslone-z-rejestru-programow-rozprowadzanych