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Visit of the KRRiT's President to the Moroccan media regulator


On 28-30.06 2022, KRRiT's President Witold Kolodziejski visited Morocco at the invitation of Ms Latifa Akharbach, President of the High Council for Audiovisual Communication (HACA).

KRRiT Chairman Witold Kolodziejski and Ms Latifa Akharbach, President of the High Council for Audiovisual Communication (HACA)

During the meetings, representatives of HACA and KRRiT discussed the most important problems of the audiovisual market in both countries. The participants also compared the system of operation of the two bodies, e.g. their missions, tasks and organisation, and exchanged experiences. Regulatory challenges were also discussed, with a particular focus on the online environment.

The Polish delegation held also meetings with the management of the Moroccan public service broadcaster SOREAD 2M and with the management of the commercial radio station HIT RADIO.

Morocco plays a leading role in the audiovisual media market in the Arab world and on the African continent.

The Polish delegation was warmly received by their hosts.
