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Who is exempt from the licence fee

Persons eligible for exemption from the licence fees include, but are not limited to:

  • persons over 75 years of age,
  • persons qualified as disabled under the I disability group,
  • veterans who suffer from war inflicted injuries or army related disabilities,
  • persons who are 60 years of age and are eligible for a retirement pension where such pension does not exceed 50% of the average monthly salary.

The full list of exempted persons is provided in the table (beginning on page 5) in the Information on R/TV Licence Fee.

In order to qualify for exemption, persons eligible for the exemption from the licence fees shall present documents confirming their eligibility at the post office along with a relevant statement (download the statement template ).

The licence fee exemption shall be valid as of the first day of the month following the one in which the formalities were settled at the post office.