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Seminar: Boosting Cybersecurity Cooperation in the Three Seas Initiative


The current digital transformation is about to change the way we interact with the physical world. This change will create tremendous opportunities but will also entail significant risk, especially in Central and Eastern Europe region.

Konferencja Trójmorze

The cornerstone of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) is to explore a more robust cross border cooperation in the fields of energy, transport and digital infrastructure. All of today’s large-scale infrastructure projects have a digital layer, which needs to be secure and trusted. Thus, those three pillars need to be supplemented by a cross-dimensional cooperation in the field of cybersecurity and new generation telecommunication networks. Its main task would be to ensure security and resilience of digitalizing infrastructure through a dialogue and cooperation between public and private entities.

We are convinced that the question of cybersecurity of infrastructure is of particular importance, especially in our geographic zone. Due to its strategic location and economic potential, the Three Seas region is of particular interest to global actors, some of which pose serious threats to cyberspace. Closer cooperation between the countries of our region, using the format of the Three Seas Initiative, would allow us to better respond to these threats as well as to create new safe cybersec solutions in our region. 

Therefore, building upon the Tallinn Consensus on Trusted Connectivity, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland would like to explore further cooperation in the field of cybersecurity between high political leadership, respective agencies and business, with the purpose to exchange ideas, share experience and strengthen the region’s capacity in developing secure and resilient solutions. It could be achieved by connecting potential providers of high end cybersec technologies from the region with end-users of these solutions. We are fully convinced that only by pooling our individual resources and experience, we would be able to compete successfully on global markets as providers of such solutions, at the same time creating a strong 3SI brand in cybersecurity.

The seminar will be held in hybrid mode (both physical and virtual attendance). 



15.30 – 15.35 – Welcoming word by H.E. Urszula Doroszewska, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Lithuania 

15.35 – 16.50 – Political Panel: „Geopolitics of digital security”
Individual and collective efforts aimed at promoting innovation, digital connectivity & cybersecurity in the context of Three Seas Initiative and beyond

Mr. Paweł Jabłoński – Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government Plenipotentiary for the 3SI (PL)
Mr. Gediminas Varvuolis – Ambassador Plenipotentiary for Connectivity & 3SI (LT)
Mr. Edgars Bondars – Ambassador at large for preparation of 3SI Summit in Riga (LV)
Mr. Tiit Riisalo – Ambassador at large for Connectivity & 3SI (EE) - virtually
Mr. Alan Meltzer – Director of the Office of Central European Affairs at the Department 
of State (US) - virtually
Ms. Romana Vlahutin – Ambassador at large for Connectivity at European External Action Service 
Moderator – Mr. Mariusz Antonowicz (PhD), Vilnius University 

16.50 – 17.00 – Coffee break 

17.00 – 17.15 – Keynote speech – Ms. Izabela Albrycht – Chairwoman of the Program Committee of CYBERSEC Forum,  Member of the Council for Digitization, Chancellery of the Prime Minister

17.15 – 18.30 – Business Panel: “Building the Three Seas Initiative cybersecurity together”
Opportunities for partnership and cooperation between public & private entities in the field of cybersecurity within the 3SI region. 

Mr. Sławomir Pietrzyk – President and CEO of IS-Wireless company (PL) 
Mr. Edvinas Kerza – Head of Business Resilience Unit at Ignitis group (LT) 
Mr. Ingmārs Pūķis – Vice President, mobile telecommunications operator LMT (LV)
Mr. Rainer Saks – Member of the Executive Board of CybExer Technologies (EE)
Ms . Ieva Ilves  – Digital policy advisor of the President of the Republic of Latvia (LV)
Moderator – Marius Laurinaitis (PhD), Mykolas Romeris University 

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