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Arraiolos Group leaders meeting in Valletta


On 6th of October in Valletta Andrzej Duda took part in the Arraiolos Group Meeting together with the presidents of 11 European Union countries. The EU's united stand against Russia's war on Ukraine is a clear success, President of Poland said where he is attending sessions of the Arraiolos Group.The security of the eastern and southern flanks, EU cohesion policy and the latest challenges facing the Community were discussed as well.

Arraiolos,Malta 2022

During two plenary sessions, the leaders talked on the threat to the eastern and southern flanks resulting from the war in Ukraine and on the cohesion policy - what this instrument of the European Union should look like.

During his visit to Malta, Andrzej Duda spoke "face to face" with the President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and with the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Photo Jakub Szymczuk / KPRP

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