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Concert 'Valletta-Varsavja-Vjenna: Bringing together three musical cultures'


On 29th of October in Palazzo de La Salle in Valletta, the seat of the Malta Society of Arts, a concert 'Valletta-Varsavja-Vjenna: Bringing together three musical cultures' co-organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland " was held. Malta-based Polish pianist Julia Miller, Poland-based Apertus Quartet and Maltese composer Karl Fiorini, created an original musical performance ranging through three different eras.

Valletta-Warszawa-Wiedeń - połączenie 3 muzycznych kultur

The project includes a Malta premiere of Polish romantic composer Moniuszko’s String Quartet no.1 in D-Minor and world premiere of Piano Quintet by Maltese contemporary composer Karl Fiorini. The performance will open with Mozart’s one of only two minor piano concertos, Piano Concerto in D-Minor, arranged for a piano quintet – in itself a Malta premiere. This project is part of a three-city tour that will take the same programme to be performed in Vienna and in Warsaw. This project is supported also by Arts Council Malta.

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