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Maltese translation of "Moment" by Wisława Szymborska in every library at the secondary school level in Malta and Gozo


Polish Embassy completed the first stage of the project organized as part of the Szymborska Year celebrations in Malta. Embassy provided all (68) secondary schools in Malta and Gozo and the largest public libraries with a Maltese translation of the poetry book titled "Moment" ("Waqt").

Wysyłka maltańskiego przekładu "Chwili" do szkół

The poetry book was sent with the ambassador's letter addressed to the heads of school, in which he presented the achievements of Wisława Szymborska and emphasized the role that the poetry of the Polish Nobel Prize winner plays in world literature. In addition to the book and dedicated bookmarks, embassy also donated the official poster of the Year of Szymborska made by Mr. Piotr Depta-Kleśta.

The book of poetry "Waqt" by W. Szymborska is the second work of Polish literature in history that has been translated and published in Maltese (42 years ago K. Wojtyła's drama 'The Jewelers Shop' was published in Maltese). The translation was done by the Maltese poet and translator Antoine Cassar.

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