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Polish Presidency in Visegrad Group


The Visegrad Group (V4) was established 30 years ago as a regional format of cooperation between the four Central European countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary, which are not only linked by neighbourhood and similar geopolitical situation but above all by common history, traditions, culture, and values. We encourage you to view a presentation reminding 30 years of V4 activity.

Polish Presidency in V4

The idea behind the Group was to intensify cooperation in building democratic state structures and free market economies and, in the long term, to participate in the process of European integration. The date of its creation is 15 February 1991, when the Presidents of Poland and Czechoslovakia together with the Prime Minister of Hungary signed a joint declaration on the objectives and conditions of cooperation in the Hungarian town of Visegrad.

Since 2004, all V4 countries have been members of the European Union, and the Visegrad Group provides a forum for exchanging experiences and working out common positions on issues relevant to the future of the region and the EU.

The annual Presidency of the Group is held on a rotating basis. From 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, the Group's presidency is held by Poland. The Polish Presidency coincides with an unprecedented crisis in the world caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The pandemic and the process of overcoming its consequences will also have a significant impact on the course of the Polish presidency in the V4—in many areas and aspects.  V4 countries will have to actively cooperate in tackling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and work together to return to normality the socio-economic life in the region and the EU. For those reasons “Back on Track” became a motto of Polish Presidency.


V4 presentation
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