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The First Lady with the Spouses of the leaders of the Arraiolos Group visiting Mdina


The First Lady participated in a program prepared for the Spouses of leaders attending the Arraiolos Group Meeting. On 6th of October, at the invitation of Miriam Vella, the Spouse of the President of the Republic of Malta, together with the Spouses of the Presidents of Latvia, Estonia, Ireland and the Spouse of the President of Hungary - Agata Kornhauser-Duda visited Palazzo Falson and the Cathedral of St. Paul in Mdina.

Arraiolos,Malta 2022

During her visit to Mdina, the First Lady had the opportunity to see the famous Maltese lace and techniques of making them or look at the historical methods of preparing Maltese dishes and their various types.

The Spouses also took part in a breakfast organized by the First Lady of Malta, where they could exchange experiences from their activities, talk about involvement in charity and humanitarian help. 

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