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Włodek Pawlik concert on the occasion of the 104th anniversary of regaining independence by Poland


On 11th of November in Palazzo de La Salle in Valletta a jazz concert by Włodek Pawlik took place.

Koncert Włodka Pawlika z okazji 104. rocznicy odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości

The honorary guest of the event was the President of Malta, George Vella and his spouse Mrs. Miriam Vella. The event was also attended by representatives of the Maltese government, parliament, representatives of local economic and socio-cultural organizations, members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of the Polish community in Malta. Polish Embassy also invited the leader of the Ukrainian community in Malta and people organizing aid for Ukraine. The event took place in the Malta Society of Arts concert hall in Palazzo de La Salle in Valletta.

Thanks to Polish producers E. Wedel and the Gorzelnia Chopin after the concert, the invited guests were presented with gifts - Chopin chocolate pralines, chocolate barrels and a set of Chopin Vodka miniatures.

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