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Armed Forces General Command

The Armed Forces General Command, subordinate to the Minister of National Defence, is a joint command, responsible for commanding military units of the branches of the Armed Forces at peacetime and crisis and other units, after assigning for Operational Command, during war. Its responsibilities include training commanders and staffs, forces, personnel reserve as well as professional education. It also functions as a holder of equipment that is it indicates the features and specificity of the equipment that will be necessary for particular group of soldiers for achieving their indicated operational capabilities.

Armed Forces General Command

The structure of the General Command includes the command, staff and inspectorates of: Land Forces, Navy, Air Force, Special Forces and Branches of Armed Forces and Training. They are the main General Commander's tools for realisation of tasks within their particular areas. Moreover, IT Inspectorate, Inspectorate for Armed Forces Support, divisions, flotillas, wings, independent brigades and training centres will be subordinate to the Armed Forces General Command. Support and sustainment subunits went under subordination of Tactical Units.

The main objective of the Armed Forces General Command is to organize the process of preparation of forces and means as well as their assignment for conducting operations according to the plan prepared by Armed Forces Operational Command. The strategic triad that is General Staff, Armed Forces General Command and Armed Forces Operational Command is engaged in realization of that task. On the basis of planning documents and conclusions from Strategic Defence Game conducted by General Staff of Polish Armed Forces, Operational Command draws up standards and defines capabilities for assigned forces. It also organizes training and prepares and harmonizes units dedicated for an operation. Armed Forces General Command is responsible for achieving the defined operational capabilities. Moreover, it participates in the process of preparing plans of using Armed Forces within the planned defensive operation and crisis management. Among its competences there are also tasks connected with preparation and maintaining Combat and Mobilization Readiness of forces and reserve.

General Command also plays a leading role in the process of training forces assigned for participation in stabilization operations, crisis management and humanitarian actions. Of course, after finishing the stage of training, the Armed Forces Operational Command will conduct so called certification that is a test of the gained capabilities and readiness for taking up activity. At the next stage these subunits will be transferred to subordination of Operational Command of Branches of the Armed Forces and the task of General Commander will be to maintain readiness of the reserve for supplementing the assigned forces and resources.