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Polish Armed Forces

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland serve to protect the national independence and the integrity of its territory. They ensure the security and inviolability of the national borders. As the primary component of the national defence system, they implement the security policy and the defence policy.


The Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland remain ready to carry out three kinds of missions:

– National defence and countering aggression under alliance obligations (i.e. maintaining the capability of using armed forces to defend and protect the inviolability of the borders of the Republic of Poland, in anti-terrorist operations, to solve a local or a regional military conflict and in a defensive operation – home and abroad);
– Contribution to the international stabilization process, to the crisis response operations and humanitarian operations (i.e. maintaining forces and capabilities to participate in peacekeeping and crisis response operations led by NATO, the UE and the UN as well as other operations carried out under international agreements and in humanitarian operations led by international, governmental and other organizations);
– Supporting internal security and helping the society (in variety of ways including: air space protection, supporting the protection of in-land borderlines and territorial waters, reconnaissance and intelligence activity, monitoring of radioactive, chemical and biological contaminations within the national territory; clearing land of explosive materials and dangerous items of military origin, carrying out search and rescue operations, providing support to governmental authorities, public administration and the society while responding to hazards that cannot be countered by civilian services on their own).
Specialised military subunits of the  Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland carry out many domestic tasks directly related to supporting the internal security and helping the society by complementing the capabilities of civilian services. They are generally used in crisis situations when other forces and resources prove unavailable or insufficient. They also take part in crisis response tasks which are carried out beyond the national borders and coincide with the Polish national interest and alliance obligations.