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Cooperation between Poland and Estonia is strong


- We talked with the defense minister about the challenges we face today. Polish-Estonian cooperation is very strong. One of our tasks is, for example, the Air Policing mission - said Mariusz Błaszczak, the Minister of National Defense after talking with the defense minister of Estonia.


On Friday, the head of the Ministry of National Defense met in Tallinn with Jüri Luik, Minister of Defense of Estonia. Ministers talked about the security situation in the region and the strengthening of bilateral cooperation. As the head of the Ministry of National Defense noted, one of the topics discussed was related to the defense industry in the context of the modernization of the Estonian army.

Before the talks, Minister Błaszczak in the presence of Minister Luik laid flowers in front of the monument to the Independence War, located in the center of Tallinn. During the ceremony, the Polish honor guard was present. Polish soldiers from Friday participate in festivities related to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Estonia's independence.

In the evening minister Mariusz Błaszczak laid flowers under the plaque commemorating ORP Orzeł (The Eagle submarine) and met with the youth who sailed around the world on the ‘Dar Młodzieży’. The Sailing ship on May 20 set off from Gdynia on a cruise around the world. It will visit 22 ports. The cruise, which takes place to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Poland's independence, will end in January 2019.

On Friday residents of the city could listen to songs performed by artists from the Representative Artistic Ensemble from Poland and concerts of musicians from the Military Orchestra. On the streets of the Old Town, Polish soldiers presented the parade drill show, as part of the Polish Day.
