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Exercises Defender Europe 2022 and Swift Response 2022 begin


Between 1 and 27 May the exercises DEFENDER EUROPE 2022 (DE22) and SWIFT RESPONSE 2022 (SR22) with participation of Polish soldiers will be conducted on the territory of Poland and 8 other countries. There will be approximately 18 000 participants from over 20 countries training together in both exercises. The portion of the exercises on Polish soil will see some 7 000 troops and 3 000 pieces of equipment.

Defender Europe

DEFENDER-Europe 22 is a multinational, regular joint and combined exercise organized by the United States Armed Forces to build preparedness and interoperability between Allies and partners of the USA and NATO.
Poland, as one of the DE22 host countries, will be represented by soldiers of the 10th Armored Cavalry Brigade, 17th Mechanized Brigade, 12th Mechanized Brigade, 2nd Mechanized Brigade, 25th Air Cavalry Brigade, 6th Airborne Brigade, 2nd Engineering Regiment, 5th Mechanized Brigade, 2nd Chemical Regiment, the 9th Armored Cavalry Brigade and the Territorial Defense Forces. Polish Air Force will support the exercise with the F-16 planes from the 2nd Tactical Aviation Wing, the Su-22 from the 1st Tactical Aviation Wing and the Mi-24 helicopters from the 1st Army Aviation Brigade.
DE22 training in Poland will be conducted inter alia at training areas in Drawsko Pomorskie, Bemowo Piskie and Żagań. Apart from Polish troops, forces from the USA, France, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Great Britain will also participate with the 5th Corps of the US Armed Forces responsible for command and control.
During the exercise, the troops ability to cooperate in a joint combat operation will be put to test using various training episodes including long-distance tactical marches, bridging rivers and live fire training.
In the Swift Response exercise, the 6th Airborne Brigade will constitute core of forces conducting an airborne operation. Some 550 Polish soldiers will be deployed to Lithuania and Latvia along with troops from the Czech Republic and the German-Dutch force.
DE22 and SR 22 belong to a series of regular, defensive trainings. They are not aimed against any country and are not related to the current geopolitical situation in the region. The national and international planning process for both exercises began in early 2021.
The deployment of large numbers of forces and equipment in these exercises requires a multi-faceted commitment on the part of the host nations.
Joint combined exercises such as these enhance the security of the NATO Eastern Flank through a training in accordance with NATO standards and procedures. They also allow  for the adaptation of these rules and standards to meet new and emerging challenges at the contemporary battlefield in order to deter a potential aggressor.
DEFENDER-Europe 22 demonstrates the United States' unshakable commitment to NATO and is a prime example of our collective capabilities. It shows that NATO's allies and partners are stronger together.
For more information, please contact the General Command of the Armed Forces, e-mail: Journalists interested in reporting on the exercises should send their requests to:
Audio-video materials, photos, news and information about the exercises can be found at: