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More and more US Army units in Poland


- We talked about Polish-US relations. They are the best ever. (...) We talked about the next seventh location for US troops. Six have already been agreed - said Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of National Defence after meeting with John Bolton, US National Security Advisor.

MinDef Blaszczak and Ambassador Bolton handshake

On August 30, in the Ministry of National Defence in Warsaw, the head of the MOD and Secretary Bolton discussed the implementation of the agreement on increasing the presence of US troops in Poland, signed in June this year by Presidents A. Duda and D. Trump.

- The Polish Armed Forces cooperate with the United States Army on a daily basis, 5000 American soldiers are present in Poland every day. We will increase this presence by at least 1,000 soldiers. There will be new capabilities of US troops. Of course, the Polish army will use it - said the head of the Ministry of National Defence.

The minister reminded that Polish-US cooperation is also important in the process of the Polish Armed Forces modernization.

- Thanks to the purchase of US equipment, e.g. the Patriot system, HIMARS rockets, as well as the negotiated purchase of F-35 aircraft, the capabilities of the Polish Armed Forces are strengthened. This cooperation takes place in an exemplary way - said Minister Błaszczak.

At the end, Minister Blaszczak thanked Ambassador Bolton for his personal involvement in the process of strengthening Polish-US military relations, which resulted in, among others in signing the joint declaration by Polish and US presidents in June this year.

- I would like to emphasize that Poland is an excellent and great partner for us. It is a country that spends 2% of its GDP on defence, of which 20% spends on modernization of its Armed Forces. I would like to thank you for that - said Secretary J. Bolton after the talks.

As the Ambassador Bolton informed, another declaration is being prepared to strengthen cooperation and implementation of the provisions contained in the June document.
