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NATO – Ukraine Joint Analysis, Training and Education Centre opens!


NATO – Ukraine Joint Analysis, Training and Education Centre (JATEC) has opened. It is the first endeavour of this kind, the first institution like that, tangible proof of the relations between NATO and Ukraine. It is an important moment for our partnership, as we can easily say that a partnership between NATO and Ukraine exists – it exists from the beginning of the war, encompassing planned and delivered support. But it is that bidirectional action – for Poland and the NATO countries, as well as for Ukraine – that is true solidarity. Solidarity with one another, not against each other – said deputy prime minister Władysław Kosiniak – Kamysz during the press conference.

NATO – Ukraine Joint Analysis, Training and Education Centre opens!

A ceremonial inaguration for JATEC was held in Bydgoszcz in February 17. Deputy prime minister – minister of national defence Władysław Kosiniak Kamysz, Radmila Šekerinska, Deputy Secretary General of NATO, admiral Pierre Vandiere, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation and Olha Stefanishyna, Ukraine’s deputy prime minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration, took part in it, among others.

During the press conference, the Polish minister discussed the aims and meaning of the newly-opened Centre.

It is an important moment in these incredibly challenging times. When we planned the opening of JATEC - NATO – Ukraine Joint Analysis, Training and Education Centre – a few weeks ago, I don’t think anyone suspected that it would happen in such a key moment. In the context of the situation in Ukraine and our discussion on the only acceptable, just peace this event is extremely meaningful. This is tangible support for embattled Ukraine. (…). First – support for Ukraine from the West, NATO and all the allies is critical and consistently actioned for these almost three years of war.  Secondly, it is a show of a friendly attitute towards shared endeavours.

– deputy prime minister W. Kosiniak – Kamysz stressed

The decision to create the Centre was made on February 15, 2024, during the meeting of NATO defence ministers, and then confirmed during the NATO Summit in Washington (9 – 11 July 2024). JATEC, as a shared initiative between NATO and Ukrain is meant to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces in their path towards full interoperability with NATO forces and help the exchange of experiences between both sides.

During the meeting of NATO defence ministers on October 18, 2024, it was decided to entrust the command of the Centre to a Polish general, Wojciech Ozga. JATEC reached initial operating capability in January of 2025 and will achieve full capability by the end of this year.

Joint Analysis, Training and Education Centre in Bydgoszcz (JATEC) is the first concrete NATO institution created together by NATO and Ukraine. This means that Ukraine gets ever closer to NATO and becomes a strategic partner of our alliance. We are building an organisation that allows for an exchange of experiences and increasing capabilities and skills. This is a bidirectional relationship. (…). This is true solidarity. JATEC is a symbol of solidarity between NATO and Ukraine. And solidarity is a special word in Poland. It is not hollow, it means freedom

– the minister said.

Bydgoszcz, which is already a strategic hub of NATO activities, hosts the NATO Joint Forces Training Centre (JFTC), NATO Force Integration Unit, NATO Signal Battalion, NATO Military Police Centre of Excellence and NATO Communications and Information Support Centre, among others. The International School of Bydgoszcz, where children of NATO officers and employees are educated, is also located in the city.

The ceremonial inauguration of JATEC underscored the involvement of Poland, NATO and Ukraine in strengthening shared defence frameworks and increasing the level of interoperability between Armed Forces.

>>> GALLERY – Minister of national defence at the opening of the NATO – Ukraine Joint Analysis, Training and Education Centre (JATEC)