End of November 2021, Poland agreed to become a Eurocorps Framework Nation by signing a “Joint Declaration of Intent”. After ratifying the Threaty of Strasburg, Poland formally signed a Note of Accession - the 25th of January 2020 the head of the Ministry of National Defence in Strasbourg attended the ceremony of Poland's accession as the sixth framework nation to the Eurocorps structures.
Initially, Poland became an Associated Nation of Eurocorps in 2002. In January 2003, the first Polish officer and non-commissioned officer joined the HQ in Strasbourg. Currently, the Polish contingent comprises more than 60 soldiers. In the near future this number will grow significantly and Polish soldiers will occupy various command posts within the Headquarters . In addition, a Polish three-star General will take command of Eurocorps from 2023 to 2025.
Eurocorps is an important element of command and control for NATO and the EU. This multinational structure is responsible for planning ,preparing and directing military operations. It consists of 11 countries, including 6 Framework Nations: Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Poland and Spain.
The Framework Nations of Eurocorps jointly make all fundamental decisions regarding Eurocorps’ operations and employment, and make essential contributions to its workforce, funding and equipment. Austria, Greece, Italy, Romania and Turkey are Associated Nations. They are entitled to a limited number of posts at Eurocorps and do not participate in the decision-making process regarding its operations and employment, though they are naturally consulted in advance.
Eurocorps exists 30 years, and is highly respected for its military capabilities and performance in international operations. The accession of Poland as Framework Nation will further strengthen Eurocorps.