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Poland - United Nations

As a founding member of the UN, Poland has been participating in international efforts to restore and maintain peace for over half a century.

In 1953 Poland was invited to participate in the International Commission for Supervision and Control monitoring peacekeeping on the Korean Peninsula. Since then Poland has also participated in other international peace commissions in the Far East (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia), delegating about 3000 representatives.

Units of the Polish Army have participated in UN peacekeeping operations since October 1973. The Special Unit of the Polish Army served then in the UNEF II (United Nations Emergency Force II) operation in Egypt. Two other Polish Military Contingents also participated in UN peacekeeping operations in the Middle East: PMC in the UNDOF operation (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force) in the Golan Heights from June 1974 to October 2009 and PMC in the UNIFIL operation (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) from April 1992 to November 2009. Over the last 40 years Polish Army units have also participated in UN peacekeeping operations in Namibia, Cambodia, the former Yugoslavia, Chad and Polish military observers were in Kuwait, Tajikistan, Georgia, Western Sahara, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Liberia and Sudan.

The Polish Armed Forces returned to the UNIFIL mission in 2019. It was one of the priorities during the non-permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council in 2018-2019. However our involvement is different than previously. The core of the contingent is a motorized company serving in the western sector, the so-called Blue Line - the border demarcation between Lebanon and Israel.

More news: UN actions for international peace and security