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The end of the Polish mission in Afghanistan


On Wednesday, June 30, soldiers of the 13th rotation of Polish Military Contingent in Afghanistan returned to Poland together with the commander, Colonel Paweł Pytko. Polish soldiers have been present in Afghanistan for almost 20 years. Over 33 thousand soldiers and employees of the Ministry of National Defense participated in the mission.


The mission in Afghanistan is one of the longest and most difficult foreign operations of the Polish Armed Forces. Polish soldiers have been present in Afghanistan for almost 20 years. Their presence was a consequence of the formation of an international coalition following the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The returning 13th rotation concludes the presence of Polish soldiers in Afghanistan.

- I thank you for your service! For the fact that you and your colleagues have duly represented Poland in the mission in Afghanistan for all these years. With your arrival here in Wrocław today, the mission of Poles in Afghanistan has ended. It was an allied decision. You have fulfilled the mission, you have reassured that the soldiers of the Polish Army are able to support our allies whenever the need arises. After World War II, apart from the mission in Iraq, the mission in Afghanistan was the greatest challenge faced by the Polish Armed Forces. This exam was passed with flying colors, said Minister Mariusz Błaszczak during the welcoming ceremony.

The Polish military presence in Afghanistan was a consequence of the formation of an international coalition following the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. Throughout all the years of activity of the Polish Military Contingent in Afghanistan, the structure, numbers, tasks and place of operation of Polish soldiers have changed with subsequent missions - Enduring Freedom, ISAF and Resolute Support.

The goals of NATO's operation in Afghanistan remained unchanged - the fight against international terrorism, the rebuilding of statehood and the preparation of Afghan forces to assume responsibility for their country. With the effort of Polish soldiers, units of Afghan army were created, thousands of policemen and an elite Afghan anti-terrorist unit were trained. Poles have implemented many projects important for the regular functioning of Afghanistan, including roads, power grids, schools and hospitals.

- It was a very difficult mission, extremely difficult for military, geographic, climatic and cultural reasons. I would like to emphasize very strongly that this time of trial turned out to be victorious for the soldiers of the Polish Army. The soldiers of the Polish Army have proved their readiness to serve the Homeland - said Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of National Defense.

The head of the Ministry of National Defense also reminded about those who paid the ultimate price during the mission. - Unfortunately, not everybody came back from this mission. Poland remembers those who perished and cares for their families. Two years ago, the Veterans Act was amended, significantly expanding the scope of support provided by the state to veterans and their families, he said. Those who died during the mission were honored with a minute of silence.


The mission in Afghanistan was a real test for the Armed Forces. Over time, it turned from a purely combat mission into a stabilization and training mission. Through all these years, the Polish soldiers proved that the Polish Army is a reliable partner for Allies and coalition Partners, a well-trained opposing force for the enemy and a support for those who are not able to take care of their own safety. During the mission, Polish soldiers operated from 26 locations (bases, points, camps, posts) and at some point were also responsible for the entire Ghazni province.

The experience gained during this and other missions, allowed for the Polish Armed Forces to be better prepared for the realities of the modern battlefield. The ability of the Polish Army to function in a multinational environment is used in the activities of the Polish Army on a daily basis. Polish soldiers are present abroad but at the same time are hosting numerous units, deployments and initiatives within the country, to include the enhanced Forward Presence to increase the defense and deterrent potential on the eastern flank of the Alliance.

The invaluable experience of the Afghan mission has influenced the updating and improvement of training programs, the preparation of soldiers and their equipment. The experience gained during this irregular conflict accelerated and intensified the modernization processes of the Polish Armed Forces. Afghanistan also allowed for strengthening contacts with allies and developing a strong position of the Polish Army on the international arena.