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The first Himars are already in Poland. They will go to the 16th Mechanized Division


"We are welcoming Himars to the Polish Armed Forces today. Equipment that has proven itself in battle in the hands of the Ukrainians stopping the Russian invasion. (...) These weapon will go to the northeastern part of our country, to the 16th Mechanized Division. Its task will be to deter the aggressor, strengthen the Polish Armed Forces on the eastern flank of Poland and the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Alliance." - Deputy Prime Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said.


On May 15, during a conference at the 1st Transport Aviation Base in Warsaw, Deputy Prime Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced that the first Himars had been delivered to Poland to the Polish Armed Forces. The delivery of the first M142 HIMARS launchers is the result of an agreement in February 2019 to procure the first divisional fire module of HIMARS multi-launcher rocket launchers in the "American configuration."

We are negotiating another Himars deal. The US Congress has authorized the sale of nearly 500 launchers to Poland. (...) We want to bring the co-production of Himars, both launchers and missiles, to Poland as part of this new contract.

- said the head of the Polish defense ministry.

The ongoing deliveries are the first step in equipping the Polish Armed Forces with multi-propelled missile launcher systems capable of striking targets at the operational level, i.e. several hundred kilometers.

We observe what is happening in Ukraine. Artillery plays a pivotal role in the war, in repelling the Russian invasion. So, long-range missile capability is undoubtedly relevant to the strength of the Polish Armed Forces. Hence our efforts related precisely to increasing these capabilities within the Polish Army

- noted Deputy Prime Minister M. Blaszczak.

Since last year, deliveries of other elements included in the squadron's equipment, such as technical security vehicles, as well as combat assets, have been carried out successively. Building new capabilities will also include further orders for M142 HIMARS launchers.

This is an excellent weapon. It is a weapon that, in the hands of fine Polish artillerymen, will be an important argument in deterring the Russian aggressor.(...) We have the good thought that, in the soonest feasible time, we will sign a contract for the acquisition of more launchers for the Polish Army. As a result, in a relatively short period of time we will have at our disposal a large firepower, anf a large reinforcement of Polish artillery

- Minister Blaszczak stressed.

We will soon establish a Himars Academy in Toruń, modeled after the Abrams Academy. This will be the place serving, on the one hand, all that is related to logistics, to the maintenance of Himars, but will also serve to train artillerymen. Our ambition is to make the Polish Army strong to the highest possible degree

- informed the head of the Ministry of Defense.

Himars Academy will be yet another asset for us when it comes to training artillerymen from other North Atlantic Alliance countries of NATO's eastern flank. And it will also be a very important argument in our efforts to ensure that Himars service, but also the co-production of Himars will be held in Poland - primarily for the use of the Polish Army, but also for the use of other NATO countries that are interested in having or already have Himars.

- added Deputy Prime Minister.

The meeting, held at the 1st Transport Aviation Base in Warsaw, was also attended by Richard R. Verma, United States Deputy Secretary of State.


According to the contract, a total of 18 combat and 2 training M142 HIMARS launchers will be delivered to the Polish Armed Forces, along with a stockpile of GMLRS and ATACMS missile and practice (LCRRPR) ammunition, as well as command vehicles and technical protection vehicles. The contract also provides logistical, training and technical support. According to the current delivery schedule, all M142 HIMARS launchers ordered so far will be delivered by the end of this year and will go to the 16th Mechanized Division.

All rocket launchers, both M142 HIMARS, including the ones currently being delivered, and K239 CHUNMOO will be integrated with the Polish TOPAZ combat management system and JELCZ chassis.