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The main recipient of the Abrams tank is a soldier


“The Abrams tank factory is well prepared for production. It has large production capacity. This modern tank has the necessary abilities for the soldiers of the Polish Army to have an advantage over the soldiers of the aggressor in a conflict situation. We purchase tanks to deter the aggressor, so that the aggressor knows that the Polish Army has a weapon that is a real and effective ” - said Minister Mariusz Błaszczak.


On Thursday, October the 7th, during the second day of his stay in the United States, the head of the Ministry of National Defence was in Ohio, where he met with the management and employees of the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center, also known as the Lima Army Tank Plant - a factory where modern ABRAMS tanks are produced.

“The Abrams are among the tanks that guarantee the greatest protection for the crew. We cannot speak of an unequivocal situation here, because we are always aware that it is a weapon. On the other hand, if we compare the possibilities offered by Abrams -  the protection of the crew - with the capabilities of other tanks, then the Abrams tanks should undoubtedly be at the top of this list "- said Minister Mariusz Błaszczak during the meeting.

“The tanks obviously need a service, so if Poland will purchase 250 tanks, and we know that there are American troops stationed in Europe that are equipped with Abrams , this is another recipient of these maintenance services. This is our offer to create a service center together with the Polish arms industry. Of course, we are at the beginning of this path and there is a lot ahead of us, but I am optimistic. Facts speak for us, actions and actions related to the fact that Poland, as the first country in Europe, will have the best tanks in the world" - emphasized the head of the Ministry of National Defence.

Poland will acquire 250 tanks of the 3rd generation ABRAMS M1A2 SEPv3. It is the most technologically advanced version of the ABRAMS tank, which came into equipment in 2019-2020. The acquired III generation ABRAMS M1A2 SEPv3 tanks will be directed to the 18th Mechanized Division, which is a very important element in our country's defence system.

“From the Polish point of view, the purchase of Abrams tanks is very important. It increases the defence capabilities of our country and the capabilities of the Polish Army. From the point of view of the US Army, it is also building the interoperability of the US Army with the Polish Army ” - emphasized the head of the Ministry of National Defence.

Modern tanks will strengthen eastern Poland. They will have, inter alia, a system that allows cooperation with HIMARS launchers and F-35 aircraft. Tanks will also have the ability to use programmable ammunition. Along with the 3rd generation ABRAMS M1A2 SEPv3 tanks, Poland will also receive a logistics and training package.

Gallery -->> The main recipient of the Abrams tank is a soldier

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