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We are a community that guarantees security


- We create a community that is the strongest alliance in the history of the world. We are a community of free states that guarantees security for all of us - said Mariusz Błaszczak, the minister of national defence during the meeting of Prime Ministers and Defence Ministers of the Visegrad Group countries (V4).

Premierzy i ministrowie obrony V4 w Wesołej

- We create a community that is the strongest alliance in the history of the world. We are a community of free states that guarantees security for all of us - said Mariusz Błaszczak, the minister of national defence during the meeting of Prime Ministers and Defence Ministers of the Visegrad Group countries (V4).

On Sunday, March 10, in the 1st Armored Brigade in Wesoła, a meeting was held between the Prime Ministers of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the Defence Ministers of these countries on the occasion of the membership of the Visegrad Group countries in NATO. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the accession of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary to NATO and the 15th anniversary of Slovakia joining NATO.

- Today we can not imagine the North Atlantic Alliance without our countries. We are solidary with each other, we are a community that guarantees security - said Defence Minister Blaszczak during the ceremony. The head of the Defence Ministry stressed in his speech that after 20 years of joining NATO of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, these countries are already experienced members of the Alliance.

The Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also spoke about the values ​​of the Visegrad Group countries in the NATO alliance. - Over the last 20 years, our countries have proven that they are valuable members of NATO, and the Alliance has shown that it invariably remains a guarantor of common security. It is possible only thanks to the fact that we are cooperating with one another to ensure that technical military operations are at the highest possible level - said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

- The European Union and NATO are the pillars of our security and prosperity. It is our duty to strengthen our alliance and seek a common language with our neighbours - stressed the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Peter Pellegrini.

Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, recalled that NATO was founded to ensure peace, security, stability and prosperity, first in the Atlantic area and then around the world. - We want to keep this today as well, not only for ourselves, but we want to take it there, to those people who are now living in conditions of civil wars - Prime Minister Orban added.

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babisz, also spoke about joining NATO as a breakthrough decision that boosts the level of security. - 20 years ago, NATO has become a pillar of security and defence capabilities of most countries in Central and Eastern Europe. (...) We understand NATO membership that someone will defend us, but it is also our active responsibility and responsibility for others. We take the obligation of collective defence very seriously and we do not question it - said the Czech Prime Minister.

The meeting of Prime Ministers and Ministers of the V4 took place in the 1st Armored Brigade of Warsaw, whose soldiers will soon start their service as part of the NATO mission in Afghanistan.

- Soldiers from the 1st Armored Brigade will soon be serving under the flag of the North Atlantic Alliance as part of the Polish contingent in Afghanistan. This is also the symbol of our cooperation, it is a symbol of our concern for common security - the minister reminded.

The Prime Ministers and Defence Ministers also watched the presentation of training of the soldiers of the Polish Armed Forces.


This year marks the 20th anniversary of the accession of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary to NATO and the 15th anniversary of Slovakia joining NATO.

For 20 years of membership in the North Atlantic Alliance, Poland has proven with its attitude and commitment that it is a reliable and active ally. The Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland make measurable contributions to NATO initiatives - such as: eFP (enhanced forward Presence) and tFP (tailored forward presence). In the eFP initiative, Poland plays a special role. It is one of the host countries, it is also a country delegating its forces to one of the groups. It creates on its territory a multinational divisional headquarters in Elbląg, which has the task of coordinating the activities of all eFP groups.

The Polish Armed Forces through participation in operations, missions and allied exercises achieved full interoperability.

Poland regularly assigns commands and subunits to the NATO Response Force (the so-called NATO Response Force), where in 2015 it commanded a component of special forces, and in 2016 the forces of defence against weapons of mass destruction. Polish military contingents take active part in NATO operations (Resolute Support, KFOR), in permanent Alliance maritime groups (currently ORP "Pulaski") and in actions supporting directly our allies, such as Baltic Air Policing.

In Poland, the greatest and most important exercises of the Alliance take place, such as "Noble Jump 2015", "Brilliant Jump 2016" or earlier "Steadfast Jazz 2013". Organized by Poles in the two-year cycle "Anaconda" exercise was granted the status of the largest international exercise of allied and partner troops in the region.


Photo Gallery - V4 in Wesoła, Poland